30 dec. 2017
nihilismens kråshajar
som glider sina fjäll
mot den dykalla bottnen
på jakt efter syfte
och mening nog att fortsätta med denna jävla skit
som världshavens saprofyter
till tiamat
att hon må fälla ännu en majestätisk val
så att de må
lyckas övervintra
ytterligare en arktisk piskning
av vardag, o' heliga vardag -
ett horliv helt enkelt, ett horliv utan motstycke.
kråshajarna kämpar och kämpar, men det blir kallare var minut:
de uppslukas till sist
i ett nafs
av den uråldriga och makabra sjöorm
med hundra långa halsar
vars andedräkter
är de kvalm de famlar sig fram genom,
och vars frälsning
de bett om
i form av den val
som aldrig någonsin föll.
som glider sina fjäll
mot den dykalla bottnen
på jakt efter syfte
och mening nog att fortsätta med denna jävla skit
som världshavens saprofyter
till tiamat
att hon må fälla ännu en majestätisk val
så att de må
lyckas övervintra
ytterligare en arktisk piskning
av vardag, o' heliga vardag -
ett horliv helt enkelt, ett horliv utan motstycke.
kråshajarna kämpar och kämpar, men det blir kallare var minut:
de uppslukas till sist
i ett nafs
av den uråldriga och makabra sjöorm
med hundra långa halsar
vars andedräkter
är de kvalm de famlar sig fram genom,
och vars frälsning
de bett om
i form av den val
som aldrig någonsin föll.
oskuldskött darra av begärets elektricitet
men uppbådar en styrka nog inom sig
att avstå
från att återgälda
svinens avklädande blickar,
för oskuldsköttets vackerhet ljusförses
av en förlorad och bitter måne
som spränger sina egna rostiga gränser
intill och inpå den intethet
som hungrar efter den, och som i en dunst av ömsesidig lusta
ävenledes efterhungras
av månen egna gap;
en vildsint måne
som gudarnas glädeflickor;
deras tunikor gnistra av kyskhet
men fittorna skrika av ett annat mål
och tyget av sammett kan ej smutsas nog
så länge hon förmår trampa rätt
över de fält och de kolnade stigar
som dock är gillrade
med djävulens sluga fällor...
men uppbådar en styrka nog inom sig
att avstå
från att återgälda
svinens avklädande blickar,
för oskuldsköttets vackerhet ljusförses
av en förlorad och bitter måne
som spränger sina egna rostiga gränser
intill och inpå den intethet
som hungrar efter den, och som i en dunst av ömsesidig lusta
ävenledes efterhungras
av månen egna gap;
en vildsint måne
som gudarnas glädeflickor;
deras tunikor gnistra av kyskhet
men fittorna skrika av ett annat mål
och tyget av sammett kan ej smutsas nog
så länge hon förmår trampa rätt
över de fält och de kolnade stigar
som dock är gillrade
med djävulens sluga fällor...
min vederkvickelse - till världen - är sotsvart -
så som diamanter - malda - till stoft;
mina ord dör
en ensam död
på min tunga nu
medan alla dess innebörder skiftar vidare,
mellan varje olika färg och nyans
livet möjligtvis kan mana fram...
tills det jag ser framför mig
är en regnbåge svart som horlivets fitta;
min tunga är den skarpaste diamant
du någonsin blivit bländad av
en tunga
som lyser
över ditt hål där nere
medan jag slickar det.
alla mina ord
så som en rolös ande
fastnar i spegeln
framör den eviga
och oåterkalleliga
som virvlar där bakom.
så som diamanter - malda - till stoft;
mina ord dör
en ensam död
på min tunga nu
medan alla dess innebörder skiftar vidare,
mellan varje olika färg och nyans
livet möjligtvis kan mana fram...
tills det jag ser framför mig
är en regnbåge svart som horlivets fitta;
min tunga är den skarpaste diamant
du någonsin blivit bländad av
en tunga
som lyser
över ditt hål där nere
medan jag slickar det.
alla mina ord
så som en rolös ande
fastnar i spegeln
framör den eviga
och oåterkalleliga
som virvlar där bakom.
pelare av lava och svavel
stiga röda och svarta som kolonner
ur en ocean som bolmar av en kärleksolja
i sin sista bränning:
ett eldhav brinna snabbt och fort så vi må dyka snart, göra oss redo för fallet,
i synnerhet om vi önska känna oljans envishet mot kroppen,
hur den klibba och kleta,
i fränhet med köttet
som omhuldar våra vita ben
med naturens varma späck
men som nu falla av dem
med en mörhet
som blidka hoven.
stiga röda och svarta som kolonner
ur en ocean som bolmar av en kärleksolja
i sin sista bränning:
ett eldhav brinna snabbt och fort så vi må dyka snart, göra oss redo för fallet,
i synnerhet om vi önska känna oljans envishet mot kroppen,
hur den klibba och kleta,
i fränhet med köttet
som omhuldar våra vita ben
med naturens varma späck
men som nu falla av dem
med en mörhet
som blidka hoven.
ett drucket tal spänna sin båge
och splittrar världens nykterhet,
en nykterhet
vars spillror regna
från paradiset
ner i ett abyssiskt och strålande rus
där de förångas
och stiger
i ängeletern;
verklighetens fraktaler
pressas sönder -
ett grodyngel
i skapelsens malande kvarn.
köttets spiraler löses upp
i en ocean av oförståelighet.
och splittrar världens nykterhet,
en nykterhet
vars spillror regna
från paradiset
ner i ett abyssiskt och strålande rus
där de förångas
och stiger
i ängeletern;
verklighetens fraktaler
pressas sönder -
ett grodyngel
i skapelsens malande kvarn.
köttets spiraler löses upp
i en ocean av oförståelighet.
alla skymfliga nidskrivare steklas som råttor
och lämnas framme att koka i djävulens hätska solöga;
framtidens vilda blod bränner mina ådror till damm och lera
och jag knullar horoffret livet frambragt mig;
en nyans av skräpighet skimrar
över kulturers dalklyfta
som en chimär eller ett spöke,
som suktar
hämnd och blod.
och lämnas framme att koka i djävulens hätska solöga;
framtidens vilda blod bränner mina ådror till damm och lera
och jag knullar horoffret livet frambragt mig;
en nyans av skräpighet skimrar
över kulturers dalklyfta
som en chimär eller ett spöke,
som suktar
hämnd och blod.
unedited draft from "The Mahavidya Suite", part XIX, "The Despair of Matangi"
Aloof upon the
corpse-throne, Matangi, outcaste empress of the botched sits weakly, a
crooked spine bent with the pliers of desperation; yesteryear a
smallest girl, today blossoming the fruit of femalehood; surely, the firm
bossom of Matangi have seduced much; her hourglass
body runs with the sand of blissful expectancies --- but the time is
soon out; she is the most
beautiful --- yet, with her
youthfulness; her face alight with the torches of all divine brisk; yet, the
lusciousness of naked children and the firm breasts of a goddess can not
help her any longer; her red jewelry gleams --- but in a dead sun,
which shines dead rays! Even with being
the quantum of all beauties, she can not bargain far, for Matangi,
the beautiful; the fresh-scented; the virgin madonna, surely is a
goddess of the outcastes!
I put my leftovers out
on my porch
to the night
for Matangi,
the sacred
scavenger of human miseries
whom sneaks by like a shadow
or a
wolfess strutting in the outskirts of the town...
high off of the
fumes of the poisonous lotus,
she smiles...
she smiles...
from "The Mahavidya Suite: Poetry of the Divine Feminine"
man starts to fail at his task of bringing order from chaos
so becomes embittered and contaminated
by the stagnant
water of desperation,
he changes hope for
as a measure of compensation and self-pity
man starts to swing
his sabres all around him
in order to punish
the world
for even
begetting him:
the cows shall be slaughtered when man becomes desperate,
to show the young calves, in glee and in spite, what it feels like
to lose a loving
the copulating couple
massaged by the feet
of the divine terrible
shall experience
loss of desire, and nausea, and vicious migraine
the merest thought of continuing their loving act;
even the elephants bloat and swell
and the prodromes of
the farthest end
make themselves
beautiful Chhinnamasta withdraws her arousal
and secures her lock
of chastity
a banishment of her own orgasm, lest it rips open holes in the cosmos
where the cosmic
electrolyte of stars
shall outflow
into itself and into everything else around it
Chhinamasta may not finger, and the divine couple may not longer
has grown tired
millenia of self-obsessed masturbation...
and with
it, the world dies into a pulp.
Srim hrim
klim aim
hum hum phat svaha.
"Bilder ur en mardröm"
en blöt och bortglömd hund
ruska och skaka och klia
förtvivlans pulver
modernitetens damm
från g l a s v i n g a r
av våld och tårar.
trevande osäkert skuggandes
efter oss själva
som hund efter hussen som slår den
på kolets väg till
där historien och livet dog
krossa oblaten med tänder
av stål och svavelspott
din mun som sväljer
det sista rödvita pillret
till en ny tillvaro
i magsyrehavet
där nere
där livsstyrkans strålljus
går igenom som ett bronsspjut
livets gnistrande dodekagon
och klyver alla färger
till spillror
som dunstar sedan
genom livets pilgiftsgröna prisma
och lägger sig som ett nukleärt stoft
över alla vaggor
alla kapell
alla åldringshem
och alla griftegårdar
som vi känner till
och någonsin kommer
att känna till.
gnistrande längtan
ocean av nostalgi strand av morgon
och en förlorad guldålder
som kanske aldrig fanns
en gammal myts fyrar
blända med satans röda giftöga.
människan är en obetydlig fotnot
i dagböcker som förhalats
vid dagarnas allra slut.
en himlakropp har ställt sig efter en annan
som även den ställt sig
i en profetiskt rät linje
med den som kom innan -
och ingenting händer!
en hel tom rymd
i opposition -
mot vår sol!
vidskepelse, vanvett, rädsla
bädda barn mjuka för natten
apokalypsens självuppfyllande profetia
slår ut i full blom
men baklänges
som en gammal makaber krysantemum.
kopparbojor bundna till en täthet
som är ett mörker som
blänka i ett sken från en sol som aldrig funnits.
råttor kackerlackor satans slamkrypande iglar
redo att störta den mänskliga familjen.
skeppsbrottens estetiska skönhet
och dess dragningskraft
berusa och bryta och snärja oss.
kaosinfernot av spetälska och dysenteri
hugger missödets tänder
i alla nyfödda små bäbisliv
den sovande, ringlande
smäller med sina käftar
över det kosmiska maktspelets kulisser.
anti-tyfoner skölja över kanten till himmelen
och sopa bort allt som finns där;
eldstormar eroderar summan av alla berg
och en vindpust av knivar
karva djävulens ögon därur.
optimismens kalk tippa över
och timglaset lindas
i en korsett av existentiell taggtråd
stackars magra ben bli stommar
som bygga katedraler
vars spiror
skrapa helvetets
hinna långt där över.
krematorieugnar bolma
som gamla lungödemkärringar
uppställda på rad
som framför pogromens terroransikte.
sätter tänderna i visset vass
och barnskelett,
månen gömmer sig skyggt
som en misshandlad
bakom tordönsmoln.
misstankar vakna
ur marmorkistan som är tung och dunkel
ockulta krafter vimla i rörelse
över den
när den förstfödde kröner sig
ensam i antipati
och kravlar sig ur det mest bottenlösa
det mest bottenlösa
av alla eländen.
ruska och skaka och klia
förtvivlans pulver
modernitetens damm
från g l a s v i n g a r
av våld och tårar.
trevande osäkert skuggandes
efter oss själva
som hund efter hussen som slår den
på kolets väg till
där historien och livet dog
krossa oblaten med tänder
av stål och svavelspott
din mun som sväljer
det sista rödvita pillret
till en ny tillvaro
i magsyrehavet
där nere
där livsstyrkans strålljus
går igenom som ett bronsspjut
livets gnistrande dodekagon
och klyver alla färger
till spillror
som dunstar sedan
genom livets pilgiftsgröna prisma
och lägger sig som ett nukleärt stoft
över alla vaggor
alla kapell
alla åldringshem
och alla griftegårdar
som vi känner till
och någonsin kommer
att känna till.
gnistrande längtan
ocean av nostalgi strand av morgon
och en förlorad guldålder
som kanske aldrig fanns
en gammal myts fyrar
blända med satans röda giftöga.
människan är en obetydlig fotnot
i dagböcker som förhalats
vid dagarnas allra slut.
en himlakropp har ställt sig efter en annan
som även den ställt sig
i en profetiskt rät linje
med den som kom innan -
och ingenting händer!
en hel tom rymd
i opposition -
mot vår sol!
vidskepelse, vanvett, rädsla
bädda barn mjuka för natten
apokalypsens självuppfyllande profetia
slår ut i full blom
men baklänges
som en gammal makaber krysantemum.
kopparbojor bundna till en täthet
som är ett mörker som
blänka i ett sken från en sol som aldrig funnits.
råttor kackerlackor satans slamkrypande iglar
redo att störta den mänskliga familjen.
skeppsbrottens estetiska skönhet
och dess dragningskraft
berusa och bryta och snärja oss.
kaosinfernot av spetälska och dysenteri
hugger missödets tänder
i alla nyfödda små bäbisliv
den sovande, ringlande
smäller med sina käftar
över det kosmiska maktspelets kulisser.
anti-tyfoner skölja över kanten till himmelen
och sopa bort allt som finns där;
eldstormar eroderar summan av alla berg
och en vindpust av knivar
karva djävulens ögon därur.
optimismens kalk tippa över
och timglaset lindas
i en korsett av existentiell taggtråd
stackars magra ben bli stommar
som bygga katedraler
vars spiror
skrapa helvetets
hinna långt där över.
krematorieugnar bolma
som gamla lungödemkärringar
uppställda på rad
som framför pogromens terroransikte.
sätter tänderna i visset vass
och barnskelett,
månen gömmer sig skyggt
som en misshandlad
bakom tordönsmoln.
misstankar vakna
ur marmorkistan som är tung och dunkel
ockulta krafter vimla i rörelse
över den
när den förstfödde kröner sig
ensam i antipati
och kravlar sig ur det mest bottenlösa
det mest bottenlösa
av alla eländen.
from "The Mahavidya Suite: Poetry of the Divine Feminine"
slit the throat of every bandit,
gorged on their open
and drank every drop
of the blood-pour out therefrom ---
then she spoke with
a sharp tongue;
beloved Kālarātri,
the black and eternal night,
and I am beauty
in its
uttermost and quantum essence
there is a silver lining to every murder
there is a beauty in every act of rape -
and I am
Ni putains ni soumis sommes-nous dans cet enfer de l'amour et de la guerre.
28 dec. 2017
spooky ships across oceans of morbid metaphysics, flagged with the colors of our discontent, with sails caught by gales of longing set sail through kierkegaardian realities; spectrally across thresholds of weird and undefinable dimensions and trapped by the spell - lure of dissolving objectivities, apparition bizarre - discarded, piled memories... ocean of perverse remembrance, memorial remnants of paedophila and horrendous abuse float over unknown spiritual magisteria... and the dreadful face of all the unknown unknowns weep mental imagery from its eyes as voids;
tears of semen and the muck of damaged assholes coalesce as one in the glorious goblet of fire, the brazen chalice of the dirty transcendence crafted for the divine and for the numinous ugly.
tears of semen and the muck of damaged assholes coalesce as one in the glorious goblet of fire, the brazen chalice of the dirty transcendence crafted for the divine and for the numinous ugly.
[...] Post-nihilism, or perhaps meta-nihilism, I call this, the dualization between the personal and the metaphysical, or existential, nihilism, between these two brothers of nihilistic doctrine: the subjective nihilism contra the metaphysical nihilism. I choose not to call this a dichotomization of nihilism because they are indeed not mutually exclusive, but may indeed be extrapolated unto one-another.
Kierkegaard is love and angst
The ghost of Kierkegaard haunts my room, and I welcome this ephemeral presence but I choose not to tamper with the energies which whirl in its wake, breathing all around me now as if a cloud of a gas of guidance: the fire-flies of possibility have begun to flutter, buzz all around me, and I sense a whiff of victory! Kierkegaard imbues me as Jibril imbued Mohammad, as with visions and revelations, as with trepidations and seizures... I receive the commandment which says: there is no commandment at all! And my anointment is to be done home, privately... the booth of confession is the bed of my very night's sleep. The ghost of Kierkegaard have since left my room, but be fucking sure he taught me the ways of administering the freedom that I have not gotten as a gift from him but rather from no-one or no thing: I have had it thrown at me, yes, thrown at me with a cold indifference, and just as I have shocked at the phantastic implications of this freedom, I have embraced it and rejected it, as if my own Regine, my own beautiful Regine Olsen...
Yes, what is really the difference betweeen the 'eccentric', and the 'mentally ill' - both are completely original people, but whileas the one is happy with it, the other suffers from it. That is the only criterion of definition by which 'mentally ill' people are indeed 'mentally ill', and not merely 'eccentric'.
Radicalization is but a dysphemism for uncompromising individuation; society can not tolerate uncompromising individuation because, by that point, destructivity has become outside of possible negotiation. That is why radicalization is treated as if a pest, even though it is an explosion of subjective potential. When society claims for its citizens the freedom of expression, it comes with a tremendous caveat: you are free to express your individuality, but only until it becomes dangerous for the other. That is why this piece of judicial nomenclature itself, freedom of expression, is an intellectually dishonest phraseology at best, and an outright fucking deceit at worst. It should be called: tolerance for certain mild expressions of your shallower personality. That is the true face of this freedom of expression, for freedom of expression, in its truest and most honorific emobodiment, would mean the same as radicalization.
24 dec. 2017
the no mans land between science and religion which i dare tread
a man has come to realize that the stars in the night-sky are not
mere sources of light, and no mere playful phantasmagoria of the
firmament, but entire and absurdly remote worlds - perhaps worlds
more similar than ours than we want to imagine - then this man can
simply say: I can not understand this, but I can choose my reaction
towards it, and I can ask myself verily: is it a crowning achievement
of science, or of religion, the discovery of
extra-human intelligence beyond the stars? Most are inclined to say
that it is a discovery of science, but I am not sure of this. What if
- for the sake of this abstract argument - this intelligence
exercised serious influence on us, perhaps with means of
parapsychology? An extraterrestrial entity exercising
parapsychological influence on humankind, a matter of science or
religion? The people shall feel intuitively that the border between
science and religion is not a border very well defined anymore.
23 dec. 2017
a passage on faithless contra faithful religions
It is my personal opinion that most mainstream denominations of most Abrahamic faiths are not religious in practice but rather psychological, cultural and socio-political attempted bulwarks against the deluge of involuntary freedom which screams and roars on the other side of the dam; for on the other side of this dam is the water that crushes all ships and drowns all pastures, and it is the chaos which they desperately en masse try to define and organize themselves against: yes, most mainstream denominations of most Abrahamic systems of faith claim the scepter of religiosity, but fail to grasp it when it is so given, it is too heavy, they can not muster, for it is only within every religious person to handle the scepter of religiosity, and none may do so for her, for the path it illuminates is a path on whose trails she meet no other wanderer nor any other pilgrim or traveller. But it is a beautiful path, it is tranquil as if dead in nature, and the loud noises and obnoxious rumpus of humans scare off the spirits whirling around it... be forewarned and adviced to seek God in the veils of quietude and contemplation, reject the theaters, arenas, pulpits, scoff at the congregations of the Church - for they are social, not religious, institutions. The divine matter of religion has been washed out of it like dirt! For example, protestantism is just Christianity without asceticism, as much as the chasm is ocean without water, or the shadow is life without its sun. Yes, Christianity itself is just religion without rebellion - and this is a concept which turns on itself and dilapidates. You would be wise in not trying to mold together life-long peace with life-long faith, for they are the irreconcilable prospects of this same life... these ideologies and shallow systems you promote as religion, as faith - they are designed to protect you from the very faith you claim to seek, they are not encouraging you to confront with it, the say: rear away and weep into the bosom of a loving, careful Lord! What a fucking disgrace and what a sarcastic paradox... I say: these are eggs without life in them, but with the cold embryos in them instead which might never have lived in the first place... all these ideologies to subscribe to, and all these flags to wave proudly, all these package deals to buy and welter in, these values and meanings, the concepts of self-absolution, self-denial, religious idealism... these are surely the ideals of the masses, and they are existential utopias; they are trains of thought, and indeed like trains they have become lost in the endless tunnels that run through the mountain, they have lost contact with everyone outside of it - the mountain of Abrahamic faith is so thick it can not let pass any signal of communication, and the electricity shuts off in this great shadow of the sun, this blindspot of all energies - and as much as this mountain is nothing and everything at the same time, so is the train of thought travelling through it, it is itself nothing and everything at the same time, a potentiality which carries encapsuled in it the eternity of all possible outcome... it is these possibilites, the hopefulness of them, which vigorate the human heart, the heart which is weary and over-worked... alas, for it develops within itself the need for the psychological scaffolding such as, for example, these shallow, materialistic religions, so that the heart may pump on through the mundane bitterness, so that it may walk the path of loneliness, and so that it may stand strong as if a lighthouse amidst rain-storms on cliffy coasts... but the heart needs not only stability and certainty, but it needs faith, it needs the iron of faith lest this lighthouse falls into disrepair and lest it crumbles into the dust of nostalgia and fallen brickwork, with its shards washing outseas with the tide of life and death, perennial pulse of the ocean, the aorta of cosmic eternities...
(Cathar gnostics expelled from Carcassone, southern France, 1209)
(Cathar gnostics expelled from Carcassone, southern France, 1209)
true justification of love, its legitimacy of being, is the potential
of it to exhaust the resources of egalitarian society for the greater
good of the subject; and deplete the
utopias of ecumenical human efforts and their civil togetherness,
like a temple of Solomon on the
stone of contemporary socio-cultural paradigma... it is this society
which is being favoured, being built, and being cherised upon this
earth, but become not too jubilant over it, for alas, the presence of
true love is a diabolical force which works for the exhaustation of
such a society - it is the sword of subjective authenticity which
cleaves it right in two, and the affective warmth of love is the
fulfillment of this authenticity; the society based on true love is
the society of conflicting ethos beyond compromise, with one half
promulgating the unitarian morality, developing this concept with
fervour and delineating an epigenetic human nature of universality to
it, while the other half posits that true religions - contemporary
ones as well as the ones lost in time – promote or atleast are
meaning to promote in part the idea of an essential religious
underpinning to human nature, and in part to motivate an incentive to
pursue religious ecstasy and to become smitten with the love of
subjective passion as an antidote to the religions of the flesh and
the mind always contemporary, parallel in time to them, those, which,
if cleared of their magical coatings and mystical underpinnings,
would reveal that they do not contain one iota of social-material
reality – to the very trepidations of the imams, the priests, and
the rabbis...
that monstrosity of the abyss which rose to the surface! The typhoon
of emotion... Yes, love strangled embryos and love hurled spears;
love desecrated holy matrimonies, and love coffled losers and
failures in loneliness: yes, love kills like a virus, but a thing
even worse is the immunity of it... I wanted to hang myself too,
believe me, but as the dog returns to his vomit, so the fool returns
to his folly! Have you ever been in love?
22 dec. 2017
people continue their dogma and their communal ritualism, for
religion has grown out of the absurd and out of the realm of the
unknowable, and over time, it has coalesced culture, spilled over
into the economics and into the politics and ethical frameworks of
man's shallower life; out from the dimension of spirituality from
where it originated, and into the arena of the material world, in
which it has morphed with deforming resistance as to fit the cage man
has presented for it, locked it into.
is no legitimate consensus
to be reached nor any well-founded opinion
to be uttered when it comes
to the existence of the divine;
I presume
that those who have felt it
rarely have in them the interest
to tell
the story...
if you know, you knew from
the very point you came to
that there is only you who can know
what you know,
and that
there is nothing,
absolutely nothing,
for an outsider to know
the things you have come to know.
felt the post-natal depression, that is for sure – what deformity
she birthed to the world. She did not care for Cain, but by the time
Abel came around, something had turned inside her. What harrowing
terror of the soul to feel the love of your own not at all... God had
as well been indeed able feel it, as a human would feel it, had God
been imbued with the sensibilites and intricalities of the human
soul! But God is not. On this point I confess my hostility towards
the Abrahamic foundational religious doctrine. Again, post-natal
depression, your Creator must be in it as well.
is a dream, the dream of Ebih, and it has travelled through the prism
of space and it has continued below the threshold of consciousness
collectively, archetypally through all the centuries of man, and it
has been chorused by a lamenting dying off and constant re-kindling
of memories in the cyclical tragedy of time, the long opera, as it
is, of death and sadness... Ebih is this opera, which is dramatic,
urgent, grotesque and loudly thundering with the baritone of the
socio-cultural, political, moral, religious, and, as a consequence,
the very civilizational apocalypse... and in it, the actors not act
but do, because here are no fictions, and here is no
shallowness of mimesis or of skilled stagecraft: this is the theatre
of cruelty, and in it, everything fractalizes with time
from the shit text
fell out of brotherly love – that was their culpability, but what
with love is a crime? It depends. If you view the world as being
fundamentally constituted by law as the highest common denominator,
then surely love is a breach of this law, a crime. Many take on this
view of the world, as an arena of fair and judicial law, an
ecumenical and universal sub-structure of governing and
ever-prevailing cosmic law... and what then is a crime if not the
fellony of every passionate man, which is to say: the crime against
law is to love without restriction nor regulation and it is the sum
of this unhinged passion of all men and women that is gnawing and
clawing the holes in the raft of law and common order, having
shape-shifted into a large and ravenous tiger-shark, attacking that
unstable thing, how it tumbles around, out there, by the rugged
shores of existence, scraping against the cliff and stone!
20 dec. 2017
19 dec. 2017
16 dec. 2017
One may conceptualize biological life as a rarity in extremis, the odds of the cultivation of sentience and organic life being, in presumption, unfathomably rare, astronomically small - but does not rarity, the practical happening of it, exist in inevitability given it has as much time and space needed in order to cultivate it, trigger in it a response? Yes, if you have enough space and time to allow for it, rarity becomes certainty... in fact, all kinds of rarities are bound to happen, if it becomes enclosed in eternal and endlessly proliferating circumstance - given enough space and time, everything grows, everything happens. What some see as rare, I see as inevitable. I am inevitable, as inevitable as I am rare - I had enough space, I had enough time - I happened. And this, my reader, is the throbbing pulse of existentialism - the philosophy which puts a dagger in the back of all other ones.
15 dec. 2017
from the most profound book ever written
we need the Ed Kemper, the Richard Ramirez, the David Parker Ray...
and what would our culture be without the great genocidal artworks of
the last century? The grotesque mass-executions of Treblinka, the
Norillag, the forced extreme labouring camp in the Soviet Union where
bad nights could reach -61 degrees... the Holodomor, how the Soviet
authorities starved the Ukrainian people resulting in millions of
bodies... or the so-called Three
years of difficulty in
Maoist China... those communist fucks sure love their euphemisms...
we need what happened in Rwanda; in Nanjing; in My Lai; in Srebrenica
and in Oświęcim...
we need the sum total of all genocides to haunt us as spectres in our
silent hallways at night; we need reminding, and we should not fall
to sleep, lest we might dream of utopia... we need to be captivated
by the darkest of raging fires – what can we be without them? We
must feed the fire of hate, lest the fire of hate feeds us, and makes
us, in its glistening light, see things that are not real; we must
contain the flames and sparks of hate, lest its shine brighten the
path of madness and self-destruction and leaves us possessed by the
devils... what might we learn of the failed rapist other than the art
of his invasive terror? Time shall tell, but there is a lesson to be
learned in every second happening in this world...
14 dec. 2017
7 dec. 2017
i am the hedgehog
dying hour by hour
thorns falling out
one by one
without anyone
nor anything
yes, i die little by little
for my pile of leaves
is burning like reed
and by the second the degrees heat
and in a fortnight
the pile of leaves will give away
to the match and phosphor of nature.
we all die, and so i shall too,
the little hedgehog...
and i will die a lonely
and burdened wanderer,
now that my pile of leaves
has turned to walpurgis ash -
but is it not beautiful
that the nails of the corpse keep on growing after death,
and that the memories of great deeds also echo,
atleast for a while -
until they too drop off the frequencies
and becomes lost
in the white noise static
of all meaningful happenings unremembered,
adding to a history
of lost and buried greatness...
dying hour by hour
thorns falling out
one by one
without anyone
nor anything
yes, i die little by little
for my pile of leaves
is burning like reed
and by the second the degrees heat
and in a fortnight
the pile of leaves will give away
to the match and phosphor of nature.
we all die, and so i shall too,
the little hedgehog...
and i will die a lonely
and burdened wanderer,
now that my pile of leaves
has turned to walpurgis ash -
but is it not beautiful
that the nails of the corpse keep on growing after death,
and that the memories of great deeds also echo,
atleast for a while -
until they too drop off the frequencies
and becomes lost
in the white noise static
of all meaningful happenings unremembered,
adding to a history
of lost and buried greatness...
5 dec. 2017
me Barlaam, what was indeed the ill of hesychasm more so than being
acrimonious towards your silly, worldly hierarchies? For surely you
never pondered the depth and thickness of its spiritual resonance, an
echoing mystical clangor from a churches bell tolling the hour of
truth? Alas, as you failed to assume its axioms, you failed to
comprehend the theology, which is but a body on, and a vessel for, an
archaic sub-structure of religious epistemology: god is constituent
of everything
we do not understand. We
know of its concept, and we intellectualize and cartograph the outer
circles of it, yet we fail to grasp its essence, the uproarious inner
core, centre-volcano of the terrifying and sacred mystery...
2 dec. 2017
course you would not admit, but beneath the collar and behind the
closed church-gates, it all looks the same to me. Barlaam
that cloak hides nothing, and virtue glows with absence all around
you, aura of spiritual hoax...
have you ever gazed aloft your Calabrian shorelines where the ocean
swallows its lands like the panther swallows the chunk from the side
of the gazelle? Could you see the ocean and can you rest on it
with your gaze, or is the absolute nothingness in front of it, and
atop of it, too hard see through? Can you see this splashing on the
surface, far out in the distance? Only outright retarded children
would take a swim in shark-infested waters merely because they do not
see a fin wobbling at the top of the surface... only blind children
is comforted by the deceptive gaslighting
of the pederast offender...
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