19 mars 2022

new piece heavily influenced by a conversation with a dear friend of mine, working title "Eulogy" (work in progress)

we prosper at the moment and think it is eternal,
a human weakness amongst many !

and we do so without realizing the inherent fallacy of endless growth

as a consequence,  we come mock balance
and we come to worship the excess and comfort
we have deludely confused with growth,
with development and prosperity

we boast our sophistication as our bellies swell obesely,
as our minds overflow with the weakness of self-pity
and as our spines bend and cower in pathetic fatigue

we develop with greatest challenge and ordeal, and nothing about it is easy
but only the results linger in the end
and the struggle gets lost in the static aether of history

no-one remembers
no-one wants to remember
we do not have to remember

no past, no future !
only a utopia of broken glass and concrete

no nostalgia, no tradition
as long as the merchandise stays cheap

no justice, no peace !
as long as the charity of hypocrisy
ever turns its wheel

no pride, no self-respect !
on these heaps of plastic and styrofoam

we have become swine of bad standing !
and we have lost our respect
for nobility
for ancestry
for honor...

tradition replaced with decadence
modesty replaced with promiscuity
strife replaced with technology
existentialism replaced with cynicism
and the adoration of heroism replaced
with the martyrization of weakness

soulless emaciated figures creep
across the asphalt steppes
across the parking lots
across an endless decrepitude
of modernist architecture in ruination

we brag about philanthropy, humanism, 

charity, solidarity and egalitarianism
while our children are raped 

in the darkness of their very negations

but don't mention about it

here are no problems !
here are no hurdles !

we have created a culture
where people become "nice", "pleasant",
"decent" and "well-behaved",
but we have completely forsaken the art
of nurturing and fostering a hero, a warrior

we ignore the wisdom
that only kids with fucked up childhoods
become something in the end

and we shower them instead with the idea
that everything is okay

and it is a culture of mediocrity !
where mediocrity is lauded and awarded

it is a culture of indulgence !
where self-constraint and will-power
have become some ideals of history dispensed with

alienation, nihilism, spiritual emptiness
bloom in the gardens of a modern world
and all the botanists have gone insane,
feeding the flour beetles of hedonia,
nurturing its pests and vermins,
culturing a terror without value
without direction
and without moral sense

mass lassitude, erstwhile pride depleted !

equanimity and integrity but a memory fading
in the hive-mind of the shopping mall hordes
rhapsodic about not life itself
but about what in life can be purchased !

like porcelain vases filled with rotting flowers
are the cubicles and offices of our brave new world

like a pack of sorry adulterers moaning in stock and bondage,
whipped and mocked all the way to the ravenstone,
the human mass moves, yet still they are smiling -

they do not understand their fate.

they do not grasp what they have done unto themselves

but i see clearly

i carry forbearance and the werewithal to act and react

i am designed
a hunter
a lover
a person

but i am condemned
to a world
of shopping,
of hating,
and of non-persons

and upwards i turn my head
and upwards i scream my angst :

is the cobra no longer fierce beneath its reptile hood?
is the fire in the eyes of tigers no longer red and hot?
are the deeds of men and wombs of women no longer bearing culture?

nothing anymore to kill
nothing anymore for which to fight
nothing anymore to overcome
nothing anymore to explore

here we have goods !
here we have commodity !
here we have comfort and the ever proliferation of ease !

why build, why work, why create
when you can buy ?

dignity, honor, reputation and self-respect
means nothing now
when they are put on shelves
for the hungry fool to consume blindly

cheap wisdom for sale
cheap pleasure for sale
cheap comfort for sale

nothing feels different
nothing feels good anymore
nothing wills to be different -

except i !

i am different
i will to be different
i shall acquire difference
and i shall proclaim this difference
as independence

my library contains the obscure epistolary wisdoms
of multi-centennial correspondences
between dogmatic bishops and so-called heretics !

i have letters in hundreds, in thousands, in tens of thousands !

 and we shall remember when the night comes
 that only one letter differs
 a total lie from a from a life total !

    appendix :

it has been said :

"power corrupts,
and absolute power
corrupts absolutely"

this is a falsity.

power does not corrupt people.
it is people who corrupt power.

and that is what ultimately happened to us

and i horripilate !
i awe in fear and terror

i gaze deep into the **** of Gaia
and i taste therefrom what i can

i fall onto my knees
before the anti-clockwise chaos-vortex
that is love

and love opens my eyes, and i see !

and what do i see? 

i see

the end

of the world

3 mars 2022

From the upcoming cassette release of "Arktis" by LOVEBOY

(the cassette release will include "atmospheric poems" accompanying each track. it is an idea heavily inspired by what Varg did on his two ambient prison albums)

The Shamanic Worship of Arnakuagsak, Goddess of Walrusses & Sea Lions

upon the ghost mountain
a sacrificial pit of dead seals and arctic birds
gutted, embellished with their entrails
arranged as works of art
in a shamanic geometry obscure

shrubs, lichens and mosses are placed
on animistic altars

a jam of seal's fat and bearberries
smeared on wooden figurines esoteric
holding small stone weapons
and adorned with gleaming eyes of arctic sapphire

there is a skin woven over and around the moon this night,
and it is the skin of Arnakuagsak,
goddess of walruses and sea lions
and in the center of that skin
there is a miniscule hole
from which her piercing ray of light
emerges violently

the shaman becomes
epicentral to the world
through the shamanic worship of Arnakuagsak

frozen cubes of whale's blubber,
arctic mushroom dried in summer,
grinded walrus-tusk and whiskers,
tooth and fermented sea lion's marrow
are put in boiling cauldron's broth

the shaman lets it cool,
pours it into his goblet and proceeds to devour it

and the spirit of the shaman
becomes the receptacle
of a violent collision
of earthly and unearthly energies
through the shamanic worship of Arnakuagsak
tradition breathes and survives
even should the white man complete his destructive task
of melting all the ice around us;
of raping completely our beautiful homeland,
Inuit Nunangat

Something from 2015

Radicalization is but a dysphemism for uncompromising individuation – because society cannot tolerate uncomp-romising individuation.

Society is founded on conformity. Why? Because it can otherwise not exist. Society must to some degree oppress individuality in order to function and from this compromise, we get civilization. Society cannot handle the full bloom of individuality because it is a potential threat to the stability of its very foundation. Because by the point the truly personal essence has become manifest in the warrior human, and when it has begun working for its own completion, there is no stopping to it: with every spade of soil the human digs, a larger and larger heap of rubble accumulates, as if building a barricade against the world, and with every spade of soil, a deeper and deeper hole of introspection emerges, a hole to hide in, a mole's nest, a Hira of the soul.

As you build your bulwark against the world, you erect your own mausoleum in the process.

I dare say that the maximization of individuality breeds fanaticism, and there can be almost no stopping to it given it is authentic. Authenticity constitutes the strongest human capital and it is its worthiest resource, but four potential banes I can identify that might stop the authenticization of the individual in its tracks:

  1. one can regress existentially through suicide. Either a heroic one, a tragic one or a pathetic one (or likely some multifaceted combination);

  2. secondly, one might become killed, destroyed by a stronger enemy;

  3. thirdly, one can submit out of weakness to willful capitulation to simple and comfortable conformity (a slow and exponential bloodletting of the spiritual body);

  1. and as for the fourth, some debilitating misfortune of accidence may strike your path (often beyond the scope of our direct control).

(But only from these obstacles of existence might the monolithic Panzer IV of the Lord’s army get stuck in the Rasputitsa of the world!)