24 dec. 2017

the no mans land between science and religion which i dare tread

When a man has come to realize that the stars in the night-sky are not mere sources of light, and no mere playful phantasmagoria of the firmament, but entire and absurdly remote worlds - perhaps worlds more similar than ours than we want to imagine - then this man can simply say: I can not understand this, but I can choose my reaction towards it, and I can ask myself verily: is it a crowning achievement of science, or of religion, the discovery of extra-human intelligence beyond the stars? Most are inclined to say that it is a discovery of science, but I am not sure of this. What if - for the sake of this abstract argument - this intelligence exercised serious influence on us, perhaps with means of parapsychology? An extraterrestrial entity exercising parapsychological influence on humankind, a matter of science or religion? The people shall feel intuitively that the border between science and religion is not a border very well defined anymore.

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