25 feb. 2019

this is what "Begynnelsen" CD set looks like. I am unsure whether it is available for purchase anymore. Behest did a great job.

11 feb. 2019


into no mans land
the bitter steppes of stri-rajya
   where two queens rule
     over no man
      because there is
                  no man

any man staying over thirty days
   gets killed

the mountains are full of breasts
    the rivers run from vulvas
          and the geography itself
                is molded into
                 an archetype-statue 

                     of the scythian heroine

7 feb. 2019


there are seven billion people out there
and somewhere amongst them
waits your perfect partner

that person is your ideal
and your dream
and that person is a perfect piece of your existential puzzle

but you will never meet that person

instead you will settle with someone who is decent
and good enough
and kind and sweet and stable or whatever
in order to satisfy your human need for intimacy
and love
and touch

but its not the dream

and that is a fucking depressing thought
Hi my little weirdos!!! To those of you who were blessed to receive a disposable camera AND RETURNED IT (assholes..) years ago: I am finally picking this project up and developing them. Realizing that there may be some seriously disturbing material on these film rolls, I decided to develope them for myself and I have no idea what I'm doing and might fuck them up but hey at least I tried and I get to play around with strong chemicals and think about the alchemy of light.

To the rest of you, buy a disposable camera (I'm too broke to keep buying these for people), fill it with photos and send it to me. PM for address.

4 feb. 2019


the lynx is meditating on death
    and on prey
           and on blood
the lynx eyes are fixed
     on the gosling
        and nature has its course

    from the carcass
      of the killed gossling
         something new emerges
           and that something
            we venerate as
             the lynx god
               it is the spirit of the animal
                   embodying itself
                         into something beastlike
                         that is what they do
                                 there in the forest
                                   the mighty lynx gods