22 maj 2018

A P H O R I S M # 7 2 3

Genetically speaking, we remember that everyone's life is originally female, and only when a new substance, the male hormone, is added to the genetical constitution of the foetus does its gender change. All of the ancient and great civilizations knew this - but they did not know this like we would today know a fact; they knew it without knowing it, on a profound and downright religious level of archetypal psychology. It was wisdom, a force of subconscious insight, which gravitated them towards mythologically representing the origin with the feminine; and relating unto the primordial chaos a certain sense of 'femaleness'.

21 maj 2018

Aż do śmierci
Żołnierze Wyklęci
p a n z e r    I V    t i g e r    t a n k s 
adorned with the insignia of the Lord
thunder over the battle ruins
in    m o r a l    b l i t z k r i e g 

j e h o v a h s    e i n s a t z g r u p p e n
purge the lands with flamethrowers
from inappropriate hostile elements;
the screams of the    v i c t i m s
and the darkness of the crimes 
s t i l l    e c h o .

 N O V M E N O N 


religion is not truth ―
only an indicament 

and a means 

to search for it

always has been, 

always will be ― 

if, until we 

find an answer...

but as of yet
religion is not the answer ―
only a question,

and religion itself asks it.

life is talking to you
allow yourself

the luxury 

of formulating a response.

i am
in love with a haunting presence
apparitions ―
her smile is the mist i lose myself in:
i am an orphan home-sick for the home of my childhood,
it does not exist ―

too bad for me lol fuck you and fudfsffeck me lolololLOLOL

dépaysement, l'appel du vide,
désespoir et de façon destructrice...

20 maj 2018

 apokrysson camera man is the dam

What comes to my mind is this great puzzle-question; why something rather that nothing? But we mean not quite something -- we mean everything and this very exact thing. What is the thing? It’s missing! It’s nothing, isn’t that something?

Now, say you were to unravel the tangled mesh of veils and reveal! Would you recognize this happening? Would its’ face seem familiar to you? How disappointing that would be. Are you missing it, or are you missing?

Then, what is the thing? You remember it instantaneously. The notion unravels and recoils within the web of your mind, right now, in a minute, tomorrow. Your knowing is a fire; raging, dying. You know when you are lying! Isn’t that the truth? That is your guide, listen and respond. The words are singing you a song, sing along. I remind myself to remember, that is a silly habit. The things that are important in and of themselves are immanent as such. I remember it. It will remind me. It generates itself and insists on being alive. Why this, rather than that? Well, as you wish, that is then as well. You say you have lost it and there it is.

Once you know nothing, twice you know something. There it goes! Don’t miss it.


19 maj 2018






14 maj 2018

What is good and evil? What do these concepts mean for us, and more so, for the human experience? A decent definition of what is 'good', I think, is what is 'free'... and a good definition of what is 'free', is what is 'human' - and what is the human being not, but a paragon, or an apotheosis even, of freedom? I would say that this freedom which define us means that the human being, as subjectively experienced, is culpable of every virtue and vice of every action he or she makes. This means human beings can wilfully choose to be 'evil'. What means 'evil' then? I would say, anything or anyone wishing or conspiring to destroy or cripple or delimit freedom, is evil. The destruction of freedom is the epitome of evil. Thence, everything that is indeed evil will teach you that you have limited freedom. What is good is what is free - and what is evil  is what tries to destroy what is free.

4 maj 2018

what is pride; happiness; strength when your throat is drying and the apparition of death lurks behind you with its scythe gleaming in the Maghreb sun?

A rumination on the accountability and on the moral-spiritual implications of mass murder perpetration

Rudolf Höss could not redeem himself from his personal history of grotesque and mind-chaoting atrocities by recognizing his submission to hierarchy, and his indoctrination into authoritarian collectivism - the pyres of his victim's ashes were still smoldering as he regretted himself with all the bitterness of the world! A slave of totalitarianism is one insofar as he is, by the same measuring rod, the slave of his own responsibilities. Remember: the perpertrators of the most barbaric and heinous cruelties more often than not evoke authority as their mechanism of personal corruption - because they do not have in themselves the shame to recognize the true and premier of corrupting mechanisms, which is conformity - and not authority. Top-down authoritarian coercion is not a sufficient model for explaining the sickening crimes of the past and of the present; rather, it is my stern opinion that it should be explained fundamentally either by motivations of sheer psychopathic and/or sadistic malevolence, or by the socio-psychological mechanism of conformity; yes, I acknowedge, that sheer authoritarian pressure accounts for a great minority of the acts of malevolence, but it is hardly a foremost and sufficient model of explanatory intepretation in itself. For example, I can tell you that there is not one single documented case of any German military or SS personell during the Final Solution whom faced brutalizing and grievous penance for refusing to execute whomever regarded as subhuman folk. Even more abrasive - an astounding number of these perpertrators were voluntary in their participation of the systemic and industrial extermination of whole peoples. If that does not scare you, you are either insipid, wilfully blind, emotionally crippled, or, as a worst case scenario - all three of them. 

excerpt from "The Great Mountain, Ebih"

... yes, I have made up my mind, at least for now: actually, fuck your slave morality. I wish to affirm life: the disgusting, organic, fleshy, boiling, stinking world of living beings, the stench of carnality from the black hole of the world, whiff it as if the anus of a young girl! The pain of physical being, salute it... do not forget it... for no pathetic weakling may reach the stone-gate of Ebih with the prowess of spirit alone. You can try ahead all you may, but I do not believe in your capability to succeed in doing so...

Lines 176 through 181:

"In my victory I rushed towards the mountain. In my victory I rushed towards Ebih, the mountain range. I went forward like a surging flood, and like rising water I overflowed the dam. I imposed my victory on the mountain. I imposed my victory on Ebih."

The Passivity of the Great Mountain

[In a rather obscure piece of Sumerian sacred literature, especially in a poem called "Inanna and Ebih", Ebih is a great and vast mountain, or rather a mountain-range... which is conceptualized as a mythologem of sempiternity and primordiality, but as well of indifference and of the aloof nature of our existential conditions. Ebih becomes that which is unbothered by all human happenings, and the mountain which stood at the very first day, and stands today, and will stand tomorrow, and even beyond the end of the world as we know it; I use the Ebih mythological concept in a similar allegorical manner in my book, which is called "War & Love", an ambitious piece of attack-literature essentially dealing with life in the shadow of Ebih, the harsh and unaffected monolith of the primordial; symbol of the impermanence of human life as paralleled by the imperishability and of the cold and almost mechanical perpetuity of everything around it.]

"Ebih is eternal; she has seen all and she has gotten tired of it; by the time the Batak massacre happened, she started to question her own interest in our human violence; when Nanjing happened, she got even more self-aware. When Kristallnacht, and Katyn, and Babi Yar and then even Auschwitz  came around, she began to become cynical, pessimistic, sad, trepidated by the nature of the humans, and she started to distract and preoccupy hersef rather with people who showcased different talents than in the mephistophelean and grisly art of malevolence... and by the time My Lai, Halabja and Srebrenica rolled over the threshold she had become so distraught by the human sadistic grotesqueries as to alienate from them in bitter spite and foresworn those who carried them out... and by the act of doing so, she did not longer weep for the humans, nor much  care at all..."
I have always asked: what gurgles, as if sulphur and childbone in the cauldron of the witch, what broth has she used in the larynx of deepest and profundest life, there right on the bottom, the depth that outdeeps all other depths? There is something which displaces the tectonic plates on the bottom – is it Tiamat in disturbed hibernation, trembling the core of our earth by her very reptilian and primordial movements?
This casual and soft freedom has used ignorance itself as its scaffolding, it has not been properly comprised, and for this reason, it can not be properly maintained either! A lumberjack can not fall a tree with his bare hands, because he is anxious to use the axe in fear of striking himself! An individual, or a culture by the same token, may not grow into freedom only with the festivals of rejoice and the dance of celebration as its only criteria of inauguration, but indeed must take in account too the forces of destruction wishing to strike terror to all the laughters of this glorious investiture - with bombs, with guns, with mockeries, and with public and uproarious agitations!
"I make my life a piece of art, I grapple with life, I meditate on entropy; I kiss the white cranium of death; I lick the lung-wound of Christ and I suck my oxygen out therefrom, and all the while, the white-robed ones sit on fluffy clouds in the heavens, eating perfect grapes, fingering perfect harps, esteeming the aesthetics of tedium, taking meaninglessness for granted as salvation... "