23 dec. 2017

a passage on faithless contra faithful religions

It is my personal opinion that most mainstream denominations of most Abrahamic faiths are not religious in practice but rather psychological, cultural and socio-political attempted bulwarks against the deluge of involuntary freedom which screams and roars on the other side of the dam; for on the other side of this dam is the water that crushes all ships and drowns all pastures, and it is the chaos which they desperately en masse try to define and organize themselves against: yes, most mainstream denominations of most Abrahamic systems of faith claim the scepter of religiosity, but fail to grasp it when it is so given, it is too heavy, they can not muster, for it is only within every religious person to handle the scepter of religiosity, and none may do so for her, for the path it illuminates is a path on whose trails she meet no other wanderer nor any other pilgrim or traveller. But it is a beautiful path, it is tranquil as if dead in nature, and the loud noises and obnoxious rumpus of humans scare off the spirits whirling around it... be forewarned and adviced to seek God in the veils of quietude and contemplation, reject the theaters, arenas, pulpits, scoff at the congregations of the Church - for they are social, not religious, institutions. The divine matter of religion has been washed out of it like dirt! For example, protestantism is just Christianity without asceticism, as much as the chasm is ocean without water, or the shadow is life without its sun. Yes, Christianity itself is just religion without rebellion - and this is a concept which turns on itself and dilapidates. You would be wise in not trying to mold together life-long peace with life-long faith, for they are the irreconcilable prospects of this same life... these ideologies and shallow systems you promote as religion, as faith - they are designed to protect you from the very faith you claim to seek, they are not encouraging you to confront with it, the say: rear away and weep into the bosom of a loving, careful Lord! What a fucking disgrace and what a sarcastic paradox... I say: these are eggs without life in them, but with the cold embryos in them instead which might never have lived in the first place... all these ideologies to subscribe to, and all these flags to wave proudly, all these package deals to buy and welter in, these values and meanings, the concepts of self-absolution, self-denial, religious idealism... these are surely the ideals of the masses, and they are existential utopias; they are trains of thought, and indeed like trains they have become lost in the endless tunnels that run through the mountain, they have lost contact with everyone outside of it - the mountain of Abrahamic faith is so thick it can not let pass any signal of communication, and the electricity shuts off in this great shadow of the sun, this blindspot of all energies - and as much as this mountain is nothing and everything at the same time, so is the train of thought travelling through it, it is itself nothing and everything at the same time, a potentiality which carries encapsuled in it the eternity of all possible outcome... it is these possibilites, the hopefulness of them, which vigorate the human heart, the heart which is weary and over-worked... alas, for it develops within itself the need for the psychological scaffolding such as, for example, these shallow, materialistic religions, so that the heart may pump on through the mundane bitterness, so that it may walk the path of loneliness, and so that it may stand strong as if a lighthouse amidst rain-storms on cliffy coasts... but the heart needs not only stability and certainty, but it needs faith, it needs the iron of faith lest this lighthouse falls into disrepair and lest it crumbles into the dust of nostalgia and fallen brickwork, with its shards washing outseas with the tide of life and death, perennial pulse of the ocean, the aorta of cosmic eternities...

(Cathar gnostics expelled from Carcassone, southern France, 1209)

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