18 sep. 2017


will i abdicate my papacy
and bathe in human terror
as to dissolve in ecstasy
by the neurotoxic agent
our political leaders call radicalization,
which means
the realization of unique and priceless potential;
i however
prefer to call it passion
and not even the bounds of terrorism
may long stall my pursuits
with their trenches and bulwarks of compassion:
i confess
to the synod
of anti-dogma
and i firmly believe in the beaten path of self-realization through nihilism:
i guard my gates
against the hound-demons that bark from the hinterland
and against the burglars
looking to steal all my valuable paintings
which i don't have.



they welter
and bask proudly
in the sun of egalitarianism
it has become the idol of their worship,
and they take on this egalitarianism
not as a mere principle of politics
or as a judicial mechanism of regulating equality
but as a fundamental dictum of existence
and they feed from it, as from the hand that weaves the tapestry
of our ecumenically shared morality...
and it is with this apocalyptic folly
they engage with the world
in a spirit of justice and fairness
but fail however recurringly to realize
the torrential current of egoism and barbarism
which undermines it.

slithering, meandering river-like
like wormcasts 'neath a basilica
from where the devil once in a while
makes himself a fiendish presence
from his long-protruding catacomba
like a spider of the ground leering predatingly,
reminding us yet again of the darkness that we fail to keep at bay,
and conceives yet again some concept of abstraction
that will go uncomprehended
but, in its most toxic and potent form,
would quiver even the spine of god with the neuropathic pain
no dose of pregabalin could possibly quell.


i further my campaigns of exploration
and i penetrate the wall of nature;
i travel the routes of the marching ants
until i reach
the temple of the insect deity
where the clusters of moth and cicada
on the walls of stone
give off an eerie stench of life
and where the great caterpillar failed in its ascent to excellence
and became instead
one of those cursed butterflies
that comes to die defeatedly in the belly of a nihilist romantic;
a long time ago
those frail wings fluttered spastically
in the pangs of exhilirated regeneration
but they soon burnt off
from the heat of the devils' sun
and now the butterfly lies
dead and rotting
in the bellies
of the young and copulating couple
trampled by the sacred soles
of chinnamasta, the beautiful, the terrifying, the murderous.

17 sep. 2017

T H E   I N S E C T   D E I T Y   I

i have a dream
i conjure
through fantasy
and i can see
an insect deity, sixtysix-legged, billion-eyed,
encircling with nasty and protruding tentacles
the towering brickwork of the lighthouse,
and this is surely an abomination,
the inhabitant of nightmares, glistening
like a sun on the azure heaven,
with a corona so pungent even comets re-draw their trajectories
in order not to play dangerous games
with the foulest star of them all;
this is the egg-bearer that puts the question of death
into the soil of all bearing mothers;
and it struggles under no flag,
it is loyal to no denomination,
and it is uproarious to all hierarchies of man...
for this is the abomination of nihilism,
and it fights
a subconscious war of attrition
against the whole world,
clawing itself out
from inside the womb of all holy love, for
the insect deity
is the patron of love
and we do best
in not rousing it
should we wish
to keep what is inside, in
and what is outside, out.

new fuck

T H E   B O T T O M   F E E D E R S 

the mighty detritivores feed on the bottom of humanity
hungry for the scraps of freedom
you discard as uncomfortable:
for the frilled sharks of the abyss
every bite of freedom is a bite of great vigoration!
...and every quark of nutrience they can trace in it, be sure they will suck it out:

no-one but these feeders of the bottom care much about
as we call it
the freedom of choice,
and it is often thought of as a mere bycatch
in the grandiose fishers' nets of existence ―
yes, indeed, nowadays
it has been left behind like unexploded ordnance, the whole idea of it;
the waters by which you bathe in your sun of hope
have never even ben swept of their mines ―
but what do you care? you will not take a swim anyway.


nowadays the oceans have puked forth from its bellows
these feeders of the bottom;
the flounders; the frill-sharks; the sea-stars;
the haddocks; the cat-fish; the anemones...
and the beaches strand overwhelmingly with their cadavers:
their eyes stare like the hearts of debased prostitutes
through the prism of your fractured and miserable spirit,
which explodes with light at the direct contact:
yes, these ugly fuckers remind you of something important:

the healing of your problems
are postponed until further notice, man:
no god cares,
solace is a mechanism of defense,
and you can forget about that absolution.

sincerely, with a heartful greeting
from all the frill-sharks down there:
fuck you;
fuck you for never utilizing the freedom
for which you demand privilege as compensation.
just hit 25,000 words which makes me a bit proud and self-confident in a time mostly coloured with nuances of melancholy, longing, emptiness, restlessness and angst of separation.

14 sep. 2017

and a 70's bangladeshi female freedom fighter thrown in for good measure

old slutet cover ideas


i seek
that which destroys by default,
and i seek
to absolve in the viscidity of it;
like quarks of entropy embedded
in the nucleus of the universe
i too may ripen
into the precursor of the mightiest storm,
the gale of quantum catastrophe;
i put my ears to this void
and i listen to what it sounds of;
i shall try to savour these letterless words
for nothing is talking to me - and i need listening to it;
i need silence and i shall claim solitude
like one need savouring a bitter and old fruit with impunity
over the volition of gaunting marasmus;
i am attentive to the null oratory
of whatever incomprehensible is out there,
and i seek drinking the draught of wisdom
for my throat is parching by the fucking second ―
i ponder emptiness
and eternal recurrence
and thereof starts to take note
of every passing transient moment
until i gradually realize
the ubiquitous and formless
of all experiential phenomena ―
for so ordains the admonition
from the pulpit
nothing at all.

11 sep. 2017

quasi-philosophical bullshit, i hate myself

in every serious human idea
 presented to the world as an engagement with it
 there is an unavoidable lacking in meaning,
  a meaning
 which becomes left behind, 
 sticking in the mire of that amorphous sludge
         of unwordable intuitions and emotions 
         from which it originates:

  ponder this:

 rip the weed from the ground all too fast
   and it will return and it will thrive in a matter of days;
  rip out the thought from the space which nurtures it
   and it will disappear and sink into the quagmire
   of every other neglected and discarded thought;

in every serious human idea
 presented to the world as an engagement with it
 something dire is lost, even has to become lost,
         like a root to a beautiful and fragrant flower
         or like a reindeer getting stuck with its antlers
          tangling them in the sinuous branches of some old tree
          in the panic of fleeing the forest-fire raving all around it:
 drag out the flower with force;
 drag out the reindeer with force;
            both will die!
       the flowers from losing its roots;
       the reindeer from losing its head.

 drag out - isolate - the flash of genius from the complex electricity of personality;
  define it with language; compromise as to make it as commonly understandable as possible,
  and it too shall die;
  every idea that is born out of the genuinety of individuality,
             having been ouroborically fostered, nurtured by it,
     but has shifted into depending essentially on the mechanisms of the outside
     and its automation with the social machinery of communication
     as a measure of involuntary and instinctual endurance in order to thrive in continuity,
             shall wither with the systems of socialization on whose waves it floats,
             for they can not be of eternal substance; they too
             are aghast by the wraith of ominous impermanence
             haunting and spooking like acoustic feedback all around,
             bouncing, looping
             in the rehearsal room of the final and ultimate end
             with which the idea in itself has become inseparable.