27 aug. 2022

You belong in the front of the bus together with all the other children, fighting for the best seat at the front. The blinds are closed to the outside, you cannot see a thing, but you do not notice. All you want is to be at the top of bus seat hierarchy. That is all you care about. All the while, I sit in the back of the bus with my eyes fixed out the window on a landscape so beautiful in its picturesque sceneries as to rouse my spirit with awe! And I sigh deeply as I think about you gullible kids in the front…

Yes, feel free to work out your pathetic shallow brawls while I take a sip of transcendence!

It is an unfortunate but Holy truth that we are legitimate creators of our own fate. We can choose indeed to create, maintain and nurture weakness and spiritual fatigue as part of our awesome design, should we want that―our freedom permits us to glutton and indulge without hindrance and it permits us spoil ourselves with cakes and sugars and spirits… it permits the uninhibited hedonism of sex should we plunge from the pedestal wanting it, it entices us with the Epicurean pursuit of gratification, its excess and vice of the Soul: Sybaritic abomination enthroned…

To believe that multiculturalism would just “work out” from mere optimism alone, is to be without the knowledge of basic history, without essential insights into the contemporary political and socio-cultural framework and without even the most acute basics of social psychology needed to evaluate, assess and relate the different aspects of the problem in a serious and ultimately successful manner.