17 jan. 2020

On Human Nature & its Teleologies

When you live under very rough and primitive conditions, intuition becomes utility because a lot of unpredictable events are bound to happen, a subconscious compass of subjective searching which we do not understand but nevertheless heed to. When you live under less strenuous and more comfortable conditions, intuition vanishes, reason takes place, logic assumes the throne, God disappears and leaves a black hole: it will be filled with atheistic hedonism, for that is the logical conclusion of logic itself if applied to human nature and its teleologies.

Logic is a weapon which kills and defends equally.

The strong man’s logic is favorable to the world and to himself, for it builds a fort of hard work and diligence while the weak man’s logic simply redeems his own submissive and excessive indulgence in the world.

Both are “right”, according to their own impeccable logic. But only one has God by his side.  

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