17 jan. 2020


God created the world through means of self-delimitation. Because we suppose that God is originally all, God must indeed create through withdrawal. God created man by ripping up a void in the cosmos, a void which we call the holy spirit, a restless presence bundled in flesh and sinew as to roam and vibrate with experience. Since we are these products of the withdrawal of divine influence, we are as well beyond the reach of divine providence: we are born into a sort of damned existence, a position of hopeless responsibility, for as we are nothing and as we possess no experience prior birth, we do not owe to original sin our sinfulness but to the actions we carve, as if chiseling solid rock, out of the void of inaccessible stars, parasitic posture and celebrity, divine and omnibenevolent perfection and into a most precious figurinethat of authenticity and rugged self-overcoming!

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