12 aug. 2017

new poem

A U G U R Y   O F   T H E 
G R E A T   E A G L E  
A T O P   T H E   T R E E  

the looming sky
above the modern world
tampered with the patience of wrong gods
and so became pregnant
with the storms and thunders
of the apocalypse,
and nowadays, the sky has fallen into itself
like a used-up cunt,
and therefrom this voided vagina
the hawk and the eagle
t r i u m p h a n t l y
on the branches and the crowns of the oak and the ash,
between the great silver mountains
with the crystal plumage
of immortality ―

look up


the golem

of the empyrean

destroying the horizon
with its stone sword of air ―

soar over these red clouds, thunderbirds and black vultures,
carve the air with your wings into the ephemeral idol,
the warrior of love and ether
which thruts its javelin
and throws its shuriken of silent death
into the stratosphere;

winged usurpator of the throne of the earth;
your talons will shine with the amber of Europa
and your beaks shall squawk as an echo at the very end of days:
praise be to you, Veðrfölnir;
cast your gaze on the dark of the world
so that we may understand it,
and praise be to you, Eagle atop the oak of worlds ―
flap your wings mightily
so that we may steer our ships to discoveries 
         (for we are fucking lost out here!!!!!);
our auspices fall to the ground
with laughter in joy and in lucksome foreboding,
wondered by the glorious apparition,
revealed like a flash on the horizon,
like a revelation on the road to Damascus,
like a blaze of poignant hope
in the prophetics of a future long foredoomed:
yes, surely the dearth and the calamity may come,
and surely the hails and ground-fires will again scourge our lands,
but the chief haruspex will slit the sheep of sacrifice
with the ritual dagger,
and he will point not to the ominous ― but elseward:

yes, buzzard and falcon, with your feathers and your exquisite vision,
soar above the mountains; hiss like the boreal wind ―
for between every flap of your elysian wings
occurs an eternity but in a second,
and between every stimulus
and every reaction
there is an endless ocean of choice:
i speak my words
but between them
there is a steppe-waste
which is traversed
by the mounted archers
whose hooves float above the ground
and whose arrows burrow the flesh of phenomena;
the mounted archers gallop from corner to farthest corner again
with their sacred epistles and correspondences,
noising their evangels of freedom
to all the ones in shipwreck and to all the sons of exile;
shadowed by the span of the albatross,
the mighty ziz-bird outshadowing the sun,
they ride with their bows like the huns rode
and the holy scythian war swords
are raised above their heads
in an ecstatic worship of war:

but heed lest you forget:
their triumphs and festivites,
but a homage,
and a lamb of sacrifice...
to the great Eagle...
atop the tree...
these days of inspiration;
these basins of rough-terrained hope;
fear not
these nights of destitution,
and welcome
the screeches and hisses of the dark.

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