7 apr. 2020

Why does the human being even choose to continue in the midst of the threat of that? This endless misery! It is damn strange. Why do not people commit suicide more often? Late stage cancer victims – why do you continue living? Well, they do not answer;  they are barely people anymore. But they still live for some reason. Cancer is a face of God, but as usual, the face of the Divine appears ugly as to scare away all the false ones from committing to it! So, why did God create cancer? A million-dollar question, isn't it? Well, he didn't. God is the cancer itself. And God strikes with fury... we can see it quite clearly. You don't think so? Look – you will probably fail in most of the enterprises you commit to. You will ponder the great question of life and death, and if there is any morality in you, you will contemplate committing suicide or at least you will day dream about starting all over in some grandiose or spectacular manner. A man strives for victory; a beast strives for survival. Don't fucking forget that, you pathetic coward.

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