31 jan. 2020


incantation of the summoning
       ancient yoruba tongue!

impish spell-craft of the dark bush,
fetishism of animals’ dung;
vibrance of souls on weirdest plane
religious pyrexia in the jungle's heart.

first down the street to the market,
we had some shopping to do. 

first down the street to the market,
    we need tooth and claw and beak.

     monkey's head impaled,
     paw and foot ground to dust.
     legba, take our hands
     the darkness is dark without you.

               i live and die in mawu.

                i snort the feline bone-powder
                and get intoxicated
                with the fury of a mighty cat.

* * *

Akodessewa fetish market is a market in Lomé, Togo, western Africa. It supplies Vodun (“voodoo”) paraphernalia, items of traditional medicine, and amulets, symbols, artefacts, etc., of west-African religious fetishism. Here you can find, among a multitude of other interesting objects, shrunken animal heads, paws and other body parts. A medicinal compound up for sale could, for example, be pulverized bones of some specific animal made into a powder mixed with natural herbs and such. Such religious/folkloristic Vodun-herbalism could act as remedies to a wide range of things, from banal ailments to severe, life-threatening conditions, or for general luck and prosperity in life. I really, really want to go there.

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