has been around forever, and Ebih sees all; she has seen all and she
has gotten tired of it; by the time the Batak massacre happened, she
started to question her own interest; when Nanjing happened, she got
even more self-aware; when Katyn came around, she began to become
distracted and preoccupied by people who showcased different talents
than in the grisly art of malevolence... by the time My Lai, Halabja
and Srebrenica rolled over the threshold she had become so distraught
by the human sadistic grotesqueries as to alienate from them in
bitter spite and foresworn those who carried them out, and by the act
of doing so, she did not longer weep for the humans, nor much care
at all... and so the ghosts of all the men who had fallen from the
mountain-sides lamented even harder, because now they had gotten
their recepit for hopelesness, a slap across the face from mother
herself, what an abrupt end to a purgatorium eternal but in ever
failure! And at the realization of her cold aloofness, they wailed
spectrally like funereal children! And the crime of their downfall?
Love. Yes, simple, pure love.
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