6 aug. 2015

Solace & Nausea (2012)

This is the nature of our world! Of our flesh, of our minds...
In their eyes, saltrubbed, sprinkled with ammoniac, they have no eyes
They have no teeth, no ears, no nostrils, no lungs, no flesh, no life
By demanding extra-mortal life, and by the means of a Cult giving out that promise, a certain stagnation makes root in the psycho-spiritual swamp of a collective kin, a megolamania of sorts... the profound self-deceit of holy solace is sinking into their skin, corrupting slowly, like a venom... By denying the possibility of power in the Now, by obscuring whatever flame there is left in their lashed hearts, one asserts the certainty of a life in the distant future, beyond life, without any kind of earnest, spirit, sweat, blood, commitment nor determination to back it up, just a mere promise... a mere word bleating through the echoing, empty chambers of the innermost cavities of their hearts... not actions, not feelings, not accomplishments, but a mere word, and the word is solace...

Through the guaranteed offer of eternal spiritual existence, that disease of Juda spreading rampant. - like a pack of ravenous wolves, -  humankind sinks into the manure below their feet, and they cant swim it... It is an embarassing appeal to the most basal egoism of general man, a religio-political strategy as wicked in its obtuseness as it is in its success, it spreads wide... It is to this pitiful compliance to subhuman psycho-emotional patterns the Christian sect should offer its gratitude... It is to this embarrasing, shallow flattery of all lost, drifting cattle they can build upon their victory... It is in this fashion the Hebraic Sect has attracted the most disappointing refuse of our Species, not only as a call to slavery, subordination, servitude, unseen chains... but to Power, Influence, Domination! 

They feel an overwhelming sickness in the thought of achievement at the sacrifice of something else, whether it be the wellbeing of oneself or even that of human beings never even cared about; through-out a whole life seen upon as nothingness, a mere cloud of anti-emotion! But in the moment of true quandary, this carelessness will be given up to make way for self-deceptive egalitarianism, generosity, peace!... Nothing must be the spoils of a War, for therein lie the agony of another! They paint themselves into a corner, locking themselves into cocoons of trembling fear, paranoia, uncertainty, blindness and worse! They feel nauseous at the mere thought of something vaster... As long as they have their shallow promise of post-existence, nothing can get in the way of their comfortable numbness (Save only I!)

The God that Paulus created is a negation of the God that breathe in the hearts of the Elect; Nietzsche saw this, I see it as well.

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