7 feb. 2023


and not yet may he become the fire of Ahura Mazda because he has not yet enough oxygen to nurture its flame in eternity…

weary and destitute, Zartosht grabbed his wandering staff and consulted the star-sky and some air-spirits for a direction towards the silence of days ― then, during the first hours of the night, he abandoned the townsfolk and the Holy flame extirpated unattendedly the morning after

   it would have been very embarrassing―had they cared…
   no one cared ! no one could be bothered…

everyone slept in that morning because it had been a festive night before it, and it was the very same night the prophet left

the townsfolk soiled themselves with their spiritual child-play…they mismanaged and malnourished the Holy Flame and they confessed to their feasting upon every single one of Ahriman's execrable excesses !

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