28 apr. 2022

i had really fun with this one

2013 maybe? 2014, 2015, something like that

  "Spiritually Transmitted Doctrine"

Hearken, lepers, beggars, the spiritually transmitted doctrine
Of love, hate, peace, war, life, death, in fusion
In fetters welded, apprehended, captured, locked in,
Tucked soft like a changeling in the crib of confusion.
Where's your hope? - in the furnace of life it is burning,
Ashen, with your culture as Oswald Spengler concluded,
Your utopian gospels and wet dreams and your yearning
Cried by children igniphobic mouthing prayers deluded;

Plow patient your fields; you'll find your Nag Hammadi
Treasures and chests under the throne of Great Athena
And though the West's still alive, I can already smell the rot of its body
And I scour in patience, hungry like the mother hyena;
Perplexing like life, yet clear as a hindsight
I unearth the apocalypse like fucking Tell el-Muqayyar,
Like an awkward social phobic caught in the limelight
But trembling with true will and scolding like fire...

You are Iraq, you are Syria - and I am the fury of ISIS
Carrying AK-47's, planting IED's of ideas
I am the randomness fated in the roll of the dices
The paradoxical conclusion; the essence of Theos
I am a Nietzsche and a horse in a yin-yang of nothing
Sobbing over each other on the back streets of Turin;
A child stillborn, arisen, leaving vacant its coffin
Canonized through hip hop and anointed with urine!

Life's an HIV syringe, and Sartre was right;
All humans are veins and I have gone lost in Bouville,
Hopelessness IntraVenous, angst, a slow burning kite
Against a backdrop of darkness, the horizon, nihil...
Spiritually Transmitted Doctrine, egalitarian hate speeches
Mixing like venom with the rancid blood that is seeping
From the wound left by the bite of the bloodsucking leeches
On the blemished skin of old Mother Europe weeping...

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