27 sep. 2021

its all coming together, aug 10, 2022 im done forever

They fail to account for the underlying tectonics of history when imagining and utopianizing the future, and they scoff and spit at the librares, these irredivivous accumulations of the wisdoms! Why can they not cede that tradition is multi-dimensional? Tradition has been a tool of oppression, it is true, but as well the very wheel which turns the tide of time and anchors it to history; to our historiography. We pin down the human condition by trapping it under the heavy weights of history as if trapping a bird in cage as to let it scream from therein. Yes tradition is multi-dimensional. Tradition in many respects oppressive, gruelling and insensitive to the eyes and ears of modern man and to man of history alike is of fundamental importance to everything we call and feel holy, and it encapsules what is worthy of defense until no man stands. And your pitiful attempts at philosophizing away the existential absolute of such a notion is dangerously stupid. Tradition is a hammer and there are plenty of heads to crush and there are plenty of nails to nail as well. Tradition is an essentially human behavior and a deduction of man's conditioning in material-scientific reality and as well beyond it. On the matter of what is beyond it, much and almost none can be said; that mystery devours all.”

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