20 aug. 2021

 The Loa Loa ― Terror of the Eye!

The loa loa, colloquially known as the African eye worm, is a little devil. When a human being is bitten by the deer fly―the vector of the loa loa―the worm will give you a condition called loa loa filariasis. It migrates through-out the tissue of the human body, occasionally crossing the tissues of the eye where it is often clearly visible. It is not very dangerous as such and it should not degrade your vision in any way, but moving around the eyeball with this worm lodged into it is often a painful and extremely uncomfortable experience―both physically and psychologically. The surgical means of getting it out may also be agonizing. Worms 20 centimeters of length have been found floating in human eyes.
I urge you to look up some pictures on Google and get fucked by the beauty and marvel of nature.

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