16 maj 2021

just from a flow-state

Don't speak to me about courage or valual priorities! I do not want to hear of the anatomies from the dock-worker; i do not want to hear of the butchering of sheep from some priest somewhere; i do not want to hear the lectures of self-important new-age preachers about exploring inner darkness and i certainly do not want some swollen, pork-skinned scholar from the phrontistery to reproach me on matters of honor and valor! You can teach me nothing of bravery, or friendship or about how to love a woman. Your words and your theses and your idealism works only here - here may be peace, here may be hegemony under your rotten vexilology, but nowhere else. You are sanctimonious in your opposition to violence regardless of the crime of the perpetrator. Frolicking in peace and love, caressing one another with dumb idealist illusions must be sweet and cosy - no doubt about that. Yet it is a weak way of life, a most human pestilence of thoughts and acts, a disastrous and respondent attitude. There is no matter about it, no debate to be had! 

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