i want to build
a magnificent physique
holding in, thwarting
a great deluge of heart and soul
roaring, tumbling, clashing
crushing waves of creativity
held back only by the bulwarks -
of will and of grace and of muscle!
18 apr. 2021
this is still most most A) disturbing, and B) poetically technical piece. which creates a very bizarre wholeness.
Down with its cart and off with its plough;
to become neutered all cattle must!
Because deep from the tripe of a hideous cow,
the throat coughs but vapours of dust!
And gaze down the hole of the tubular tract
of the beast-stinking, astrobleme anus;
Devoid of faeces, like some Rome it is sacked,
But from there drips semen - how heinous!
With tar in their veins and salt on their tongues,
their stomachs are barren, no womb;
called by the kulning, with soot in their lungs,
in tethers toward an abbatoir tomb!
These horrible sins! This veneral crime,
the keenness to experience flesh!
And astray they were lost in Bachanallian grime -
and ancient wounds opened afresh!
The spaying, while gross, of the slut-cattle starts
as sentenced, to much sob and whelm;
the cow-bells are silenced! And soon, no more carts
will travel the roads of our realm!
And mighty the King of the Oxen reveals,
its fur; reddish, beautiful, coarse;
and mighty, its calls and passions and zeals,
to all destitute cattle-fuck whores!
The salt has been licked and the oxen still rape,
the pasture succumbed to a war!
the dung is fermenting, ground and hill quake,
the earth purged with blood and manure!
In wanton revealed, with pleasure obsessed
the cows rest, so bloated and full;
anointed, crowned prince, martyred and blessed
by the dung of the Bonnacon bull...
i never found two people to be perfectly equal;
neither in the eyes of myself nor in the eyes of the world;
God may see it so that we are honestly and really equal -
that, when the day comes, we be measured by the same rod,
and judged in accord with consistent principals
of existential, moral and spiritual law;
but that is the work of the Divine tribunal,
and I shall leave it up to God to show that never do God do mock trials;
for I believe that God believes that Justice is Divine.
but neither I nor the world, nor any other individual,
can properly and plausibly inculcate
the equality of men as some natural or moral law,
and when she does, she tells a lie;
only in the tribunals of Heaven are we pure;
only in the tribunals of Heaven will character, and character alone,
be on trial;
down here, nothing is equal and everything matters.
because down here we are more than souls,
and down here, the world is constituent of more parts
than merely the spiritual -
There is no doubt that, in this world, there are all sorts of
people who seem succesful, look beautiful, dress well,
and have a myriad many followers and subjects to whom
their influence becomes a focal point of almost saintlike adulation;
and it is almost to be treated as a natural law,
that the clueless admirer will likely end up admiring
something equally, or even more clueless.
There are likewise no doubt that many of these are empty inside,
canisters of shrieking colors but emptied, who do not feel either
moral or spiritual aspirations in addition, or in balance even,
to the undeserved respect and admiration with which
society and modern culture blesses them
the prophecy speaks of draught,
of death and of doom.
their prodigal hearts were wounded
from the lance of self-critique,
striking hard from the left side of histories!
and they bled the black muck
of their own reprobate wanton.
that is all it came to amount to:
a history of failure and destitution;
tirades of empty moralism, exhibitions
in shallowness, contests in vice and vanity;
glorifications of hedonistic inhibition...
coyness, resolve, constraint, mystery:
all abandoned!―
here is no strife!
here is no sacrifice!
“just we fuck, drink and laugh enough!”
in the end times, only the surface nuisances
of a planet burning at its core seemed interesting―
nothing was real in those last days.
17 apr. 2021
Excerpt from Dialogue with the Two Sisters (April 2021); work in progress
"If enlightenment meant tulips and sunshine, then everyone would be enlightened, but everyone is not. If hard work was easy, it wouldn't be called hard. If the human spirit was weak, we wouldn't conceptualize strength as an ideal universal. If the meaning of existence means "follow your bliss", I do not want to be here anymore. Bliss is a dead end. Meaning is the pathway forward. Meaning, power, beauty and the Glory of God. Go to hell with your hedonism and your "bliss" and your "it makes me happy" hippie bullshit. Crawl through the gutter; there is knowledge in dirt and grime, too. The accomplished human is happy, yes, but only as a secondary effect of being accomplished. Happiness can not come before accomplishment. Bliss is a dead end. I promise that. And if you don't believe me - try it. Pursue "happiness" for 10 years and see where you find yourself. If enlightenment meant bliss and pleasure, everyone would be enlightened. Because it would be so easy. Why are not everyone happy, then? Where is that fucking utopia? Why is there atrocity, resentment, murder, rape, madness, angst and the harrowing, millenial accumulation of evil sin and malignancy in this world? Because bliss and pleasure will not set your free - it will entrap. I say again: if hard work was easy, it wouldn't be called hard. The search for meaning goes through many dimlit caverns, believe that. And there is religious truth in the very shadow you try to banish and evict from your heart futily! God is surely a terror for the feeble-minded. That is why they pretend God does not exist. Easier that way, perhaps. However, it is an existential and spiritual falsity, a human error, a self-imposed indemnity, this ever-search for carnal and sensual satisfaction and of material acquisition. And to that I can only leer mockingly. I have no respect for it, because God commands it not, never."
hyperbolic thoughts arisen after a 15km morning run
It is not the proper function of the arts to make statements about politics, and I never like it when it does. It is not the function of arts to inculcate political ideology; it is is called propaganda when aesthetics and political agenda merge, not art.
The law of art is not the law of anything else, it can not be appropriated, for it is a law of beauty and beauty is a pool in which we can feel no bottom. And it has the pretention to spiritualize, elevate the human being, not to politicize her, for that would be to weaken her. And it is a law always proper and true to itself.
No matter what man does to man, however vile and abominable the atrocity, beauty persists. Even in the heat of history's most notorious battles, beauty is present, beauty persists.
Yes. Art is always true to itself. And what exactly is itself? ... What is art, then, really? I think it is the attempt of interpreting God and mystery by man, and it is the futile attempt of communication by the insect to something altogether greater, something supremely important though very hard to pin, to realize, to catch a glimpse of.
But how much can the insect really realize her predisposition in this world? That is the question. And how much can the human realize hers? Well. We try to paint us a picture and we try to channel it through poetry, literature and theatre. We try to figure out our own limitations, and, by the same token, our potential as receivers of otherwordly frequencies. We can not just be flesh and blood; I can not buy that. Animals do not develop psychology and theology and art over millenia. We are guardians of beauty in this world, and that beauty, to understand it, requires a certain mystical sense the human being evidently has. When you detect beauty, you detect beauty. You feel it, you know it, you admire it. That is not even something you choose; you just do. And what else in the world cares about beauty? And of the beauty of insight, knowledge, the will to change, the will to strife? None. No life-form whatsoever. At least that is what I, with hefty humility, speculate.
Art is a strong fir and politics but mere winds, ever-changing, without fixed direction, and in the mighty crown of the fir, aeon-old, the sun warms the egg of a great eagle. Between the eyes of this great eagle sits Veðrfölnir, casting fires and blazes of wrath upon those who believe art is always political and that the human condition is inseparable from the politics with which we try to govern this absolute mess of a world dilapidating slowly, surely, around us.
I strongly repudiate the claim that art is ever-political. Art, beauty and the love for God's glory crushes politics in the hearts of greater men and women. Always and forever, until the end of time.
Do not come with your politics; I do not care. Call me naive, call me selfish, call me spoiled and privileged. I concur! I am all those things! But my peace is more important than your opinion.
O Holy Lord wash the sins off my white body and guard me from these evil poisons! Infect me not with these viruses of a mundane world!!!! I fix my eyes on a higher goal and your critique of that simply rinses off my beautiful body!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam.