23 feb. 2021

ill say it - this is beautiful to me

it can well be the case
that the spiritual contract between man and his beatitude
is contigent on the clause of celibacy;
is foreboding on the matter of lust and onanism
and is adamant on the aversion to material affluence;

if this is true, I will die a pig or a dog,
not worthy of Holy Mary's gentle grace
nor of any other blessing care or repose;

another lifeless, sinful, contaminated piece of flesh
I become

just throw me on the heaps after the world is done with me

here is no grace; here is no absolution;
the maggots burrowing their way through my gut
have more dignity than i ever had;

at least they do not know their filth;
i knew my filth, and i tolerated it.

when my moments came, i chose sin
and that is altogether the fruit
of my own doing

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