I deluded myself
as having been made of glass,
therefore, extremely precious.
but my delusion shook
and horizons shivered
and I spasmed and I howled and I seizured!
yes, I am the culprit with coal’s dagger;
a cap of pig’s skin on my head
and an old, oaken staff of exhausted spells
i brandish… but weakly.
sneak in I tried to; I failed!
but nothing to lose I had – I thought.
gorged by the bayonets
of border-patrol angels
at the crossroads of heaven and earth
I fell dead!
my mind fed the moths of time,
pestilence of temporality!
my soul pined for eternity –
but how guileless I really was.
now – will my soul retreat ever backward
into the great, holy nothing
after this failed, sneaky attempt
at trafficking my way into heaven?
I am silent in Gods’ court.
but God knows I am sorry for it!
so why am I stricken, accursed yet?
where is all the solace?
where is the forgiveness?
where are the beautiful angels…
the grapes, the wine, the harps
and all of the grace and absolution?
where is your redemptive storm,
the exonerating moths and itches of relief?
your graceful shower of care,
warmth’s balsam and all the pests of pity?
my skin boils still,
and my heart, a weird and gloomy thing.
Holy, holy spirit – strike grace into my heart
and grant me keys and strength and power
again – as once I had –
once my eye moved mountains!
why not?
am I not deserving?
did I not sing your praise, at least,
as I fucked and ate and lied my way to hell?
where is your grace when I so need it,
when I crawl with filth and bug?
when I trade water for drugs and food for hugs
and sex for affirmation?
but I understand now.
yes! I will it.
i deserve it. shame me.
I fell into
a godless hole –
without rope!
poorest soul,
without hope…
the least I could do to honor you
is to become your soldier,
to become clearsight’s eunuch,
to rid the flesh of sin and blemish.
I am interested in the concept
of spiritually destroying the male gonad
and strangle all the energies of gluttony
flowing, streaming out therefrom.
but I was – and am – not courageous enough.
yet this Divine volcanism,
always boiling underneath,
a little or a lot yet relentless at core,
commands me to.
what shall win – faith or flesh?
you – or me ?
I seek redemption.
you know, that,
filled to the brim of the soul
with a great magnitude of malaise
I struggled,
and struggled,
and struggled.
I vanished
without much trace
into the color of noise.
a mediocre static I became,
a grey speck of dust
between interesting and colorful worlds.
…and I met and I spoke with the harpies of the night:
to wander aloof in the vapors –
foggy daze of disease –
and to be harassed by the madness of religious hunger;
to drink from the sullage of heaven
and leap then forthwith into hellmouths –
that is to seek you.
that is what the harpies told me.
but I rear from pain and distress!
which means I can not handle you.
on stranger loops
i get stuck,
and time never lasts
when you discomfort
in eternity;
when one time ends,
another, new one,
just takes its place!
the vortices of human flight roared
with ever memetics of avoidance
and the somnolent morality
of this new age fell upon me –
not as a sleep or a dream or some means of escape
but as an evil and gruelling nightmare!
i devour sin
with savage mouth!
i seemingly study with ardor
laziness and self-pity and indulgence!
and i contour
the aesthetics of vice
with my coarse brush…
i make a pitiful sort of sport
out of self-contamination!
i am the corrupt king…
i drink tears of young children from goblets
as to replenish a dried, parched eye
once fixating on the palace in the sky
but not anymore... not even a bit.
i am a dog!
unable am i to stop
and discipline
is but a mountain
in some distant, distant horizon.
it has come to my understanding
that discipline is what separates
man from beast,
and I try to order a morality
around that insight –
but I cannot seem to implement it.
i am a dog, yes, but you are out there somewhere.
a Holocene between ages
of cold, Angra-Mainyuan chaos are you,
and for reason of your existence I am grateful,
because I cannot help but to find myself
mysteriouslyout here in life,
and I must fend much like everyone else,
mustn’t I?
but everywhere i look, garbage! –
and from it, i so become.
i become
a logical extension
of this garbage.
Mammon in me
i cannot seem to evict.
my heart becomes my booth of confession:
outside i cannot make sense of any God –
because outside mostly smells
of piss and asses' manure!
yet I know you are.
as some dots of colorful splashing
on the eigengrau canvas
of everyday existence
are you.
and I seek beauty.
as a brief but mighty melody
cutting through glass air before
vanishing without much trace
into the bleak dullness of things
which obscure mysteriously
the origin from wherever it came,
you are.
and I seek music.
I feel the powerful urge to defend something
with flesh and will and weapon.
a storm unhinges!
and in the eye of that fucking storm
I stand looking for a God
not seemingly fully there
but meditating in the toxomists
I am
for you
an admiration of holy martyrdom
in good and in evil
i curate.
and in good and in evil
i see through cracks
something truly great.
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