18 mars 2020


We should not forget that Abraham willfully sacrificed his son to the glory of the hidden God–in love and in adoration… supposedly God prevented this from happening by sending his best angel to stop the ritual filicide as a measure on behalf of divine providence and out of mercy (it is assumed), but what can be said about Abraham's motif? God hungered for the blood of a child. Why? Is there great arrogance, self-importance, psychopathology, egomania, sadism and power-hungriness in this Abraham’s God? Is this the interpretation through which we want to study this?  And, not only that– what does all of this tell of Abraham, the meek fucker? Is he a murderous and morally despicable person? Only if  you read the Holy words as you would a novel. No. Don’t look at God through the lens of human psychology. Theological psychology does not exist because God transcends and devours the very psyche that was sought to be studied, and it is thereafter tempting to fill that void with our own human psychology… but it is altogether wrong and faulty.  

Was Abraham perhaps a man of courage, having taken the leap of faith, having pierced the spiritual dark nights, having acquired the sword of truth? I do not know. But I must ask: is this a proper way to manage the legacy of Mesannepada? Is Abraham a vile spit of saliva on the sacred King List of the Sumerians? Abraham was from Ur; maybe Ur should have swallowed him back with its mouth into its womb! And the fake demiurge should know its place as well, it should know better than stealing the stage of divinity, running around playing fool's games with the personae of ancient comedies and tragedies! Yes! Or is it so? I believe it, I think. Because God is a pure authenticity, devoid of human jealousies and tribulations. God cannot be anything else than pure dasein. God is not a monument of solace and retractive mechanisms of psychological defense, something it has grown into… at least in the minds of most men...

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