1 feb. 2020

Science, the paradigmal intellectual structure of our age, wishes to abridge man and animal in a way which seems to me dishonest and deceptive at worst but merely fallacious and very ignorant at best. One logical extreme of science is the hubristic idea which grew out of it in modernity, namely the idea of the superiority of science in achieving and accumulating understanding of how people ought to live and not just one of our material constitution and evolutionary defects and embellishments. This is an intellectually, as well as a spiritually, poisonous approach to science (which has grown popular with the help of God’s death), for the scientist becomes often intoxicated as if lulled into a great sleep of hubris by the awesome and mind-boggling achievements and successes of science (“what is “God” next to penicillin, moon landings, atom bombs, vaccines and solar energy?”), therefrom overreaching, overthinking the impact science then must have (but indeed undoubtably to a certain degree has) on human behavior. Their fault is the notion that the human experience is as few-dimensional as the material world is. The idea becomes that science has been able to develop an intricate system of empirical understanding so grand and far-reaching as to absolutely and definitely become the premier method with which man should map his reality, and in its logical end-game it should therefore become the finger man puts on what constitutes being human.

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