9 dec. 2019


Dinah wept!

and what price can be expected of her violators to muster? what confession may bear remedy in the kingly tribunal and in conscience with God the just, if any? is not the only expiation for such desecration and offensive wrong-doing to reject all standards of modern judicial praxis and to give unto the beast in man a calling… and to raise the fire of revenge deep within there somewhere obscurely buried?

would it not be fair for the victim of a violent rape to decide herself the punishment bestowed on her perpetrator?

people tell me that that is not fair,
 not humanitarian, not civilized.   
               but why?

       i think that the Babylonian way of doing things
                 is legitimate in many cases.

    Dinah wept…

and Simeon and Levi, her brothers, had not only the rapist killed, but all and every male in the city of Shechem had to taste their wrath. 

          (that was a bit exaggerated for my tastes,
          it was too identitarian for me to kill everyone;
          very unnecessary albeit visually and poetically 
       appealing. it conflicts with my existentialist core
       principles, yet i love the revenge aspect of this
             Biblical story.)

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