25 jan. 2019


The traditionalist is driven to the cliff's edge; no longer is he content with life in spirit for he is an adventurer by heart: when people are shot and killed on the street, he watches in confused content from his window, and when natural disasters hit, he laughs in pace with the whipping of flood-water; when wars break out across the globe, however far off or close, just he gets the whiff of them, there is a silly side to him, a silly person within him who could not be happier, for the traditionalist is a fish on land in modernity, and he is so bored by the current world that anything which might potentially throw it out of balance will be rejoiced and welcomed by principal. This is what it has become, our modernity: we have filled our heads to their brink but we have emptied our hearts in the meanwhile, and we have depleted our sense for wonder for the bargain of facts and for the adoption of ecumenical morality and the latrine-waste of scientism... it is easier that way.

 We scream so loud and we prosper and we develop in what we think is eternity, but we do so without realizing the inherent fallacy of endless growth; because we mock balance and we worship excess. We have become swine of bad standing, and we have lost the nobility of ancestry and of honor; we have replaced tradition with decadence; we have replaced modesty with whoredom; we have replaced strife with technology; we have replaced the adoration of heroism with the martyrization of victimage; every day our finances and our well-being grow in concord with the shrinking of our phalli and we boast our sophistication as our bellies swell in disgusting obesity, as our minds overflow with the weakness of self-pity and as our spines weaken in pathetic fatigue; the modern world has no muscle left, and the wolf is almost extinct here. We brag about philanthropy, humanism, egalitarianism but as we do just this, our children are clawed and ravaged in the darkness of its very negations; we have created a culture where people become "nice", "pleasant" and "decent citizens", but we have completely forsaken how to nurture and foster a hero. This is a culture of mediocrity, where mediocrity is lauded and awarded and where self-constraint and will-power have become some ideals of history better left in the mass graves of some past and primordial primitivity... and this disgusts me profoundly. 

War and love eternal. 

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