4 juli 2018


       N I N K I L I M !
    vector of all pests to man 
     with his iron blood and his grey fang-teeth,
      he is vomiting his malediction from his sole eye!

            and it grows like a child, that malediction, '
               and it gnaws like a rat
           through the fibre of what separate worlds!

              a malignant earthworm burrowing its way outward
              and into an eternal void without soil!

   and to put a seed into this soilless soil
   and to fumigate the air of these fields
      with the censer of ergot and rotten juniper
         is to rouse the demon-king of locust-plague:
      rodent-lord Ninkilim!

                         Ninkilim -
              kingly apointee of drought and field-pests
              arising from a a circle of fiery weevils
            with his anti-clockwise anus
              opening up to the dung-hills of the world
            as if a fecal sun, the rectum borealis...

         seek shelter in the heart of Ningirama
         protect from the rabid hunger of gluttonous nature
          with the ancient incantation against Ninkilim:

     "get rid of the great dogs of Ninkilim,
         locusts whose mouths are a Deluge, a tempest,
         mice whose mouths are a Deluge, a tempest!
      seize them by the hand, take them away
            to the latch of the heavens!
      roast them by command of Marduk, lord of exorcism,
           by command of Adad, king of plenty,
      and by command of Ninurta, foremost one of E-kur!"

    (the afore segment "incantation against Ninkilim"
    is drawn from the "Zu-buru-dabbeda",
    the Neo-Babylonian and Neo-Assyrian compendium of incantations
    against field-pests such as locusts, grasshoppers,
    insect, larvae, weevils and other vermin,
    the creatures known as the "great dogs of Ninkilim")

      N I N G I R A M A !

      apotropaic mungoose spirit of the air and the earth!
      Ningirama is he who protects the farm-lands from the cobra,
      and Ningirama is the patron of the fierce mungoose, yes, for they are his children.
         but tread carefully and at your fatal peril
               because Ningirama is just in his judgements, and he weighs in his scales of truth,  
                     but he is nevertheless ruthless on the complaining ones
                  and verily, he will slay the great dogs of Ninkilim
                    wherever they are to be found! that is,
                          if a proper sacrifice has been offered unto him;
                  but, by the same token, when Ningirama decides
                   that one deserves nothing better than cobras and field-pests,
                   then nothing better than cobras and field-pests
                       shall verily
                          come one's way.

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