17 apr. 2018

from the warlovediary

"No, I must conclude: I am not longer calling myself a misanthrope, it is a too one-dimensional designation to put on oneself. It is silly and shallowly informed; it is a self-identity of weakness, it is an unimpressive and empty contemplation, it is a route of least resistance to say to all humans: I hate you all, all of you I hate, and everything of you, and everything in you I hate. Everything you have done, I hate, everything that is charachteristic and natural to you, I hate. These are the utterances of a child. Rather, I would say, I hate with passion alot of human beings and alot of what human beings do and bla bla, but by the same token, my passion for the loveable amongst us is great, it is great and blue and fiery."

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