17 sep. 2017

new fuck

T H E   B O T T O M   F E E D E R S 

the mighty detritivores feed on the bottom of humanity
hungry for the scraps of freedom
you discard as uncomfortable:
for the frilled sharks of the abyss
every bite of freedom is a bite of great vigoration!
...and every quark of nutrience they can trace in it, be sure they will suck it out:

no-one but these feeders of the bottom care much about
as we call it
the freedom of choice,
and it is often thought of as a mere bycatch
in the grandiose fishers' nets of existence ―
yes, indeed, nowadays
it has been left behind like unexploded ordnance, the whole idea of it;
the waters by which you bathe in your sun of hope
have never even ben swept of their mines ―
but what do you care? you will not take a swim anyway.


nowadays the oceans have puked forth from its bellows
these feeders of the bottom;
the flounders; the frill-sharks; the sea-stars;
the haddocks; the cat-fish; the anemones...
and the beaches strand overwhelmingly with their cadavers:
their eyes stare like the hearts of debased prostitutes
through the prism of your fractured and miserable spirit,
which explodes with light at the direct contact:
yes, these ugly fuckers remind you of something important:

the healing of your problems
are postponed until further notice, man:
no god cares,
solace is a mechanism of defense,
and you can forget about that absolution.

sincerely, with a heartful greeting
from all the frill-sharks down there:
fuck you;
fuck you for never utilizing the freedom
for which you demand privilege as compensation.

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