1 apr. 2017


may i be just one
among a milliard others
waiting in line
for my turn
to dance
with doubt and with anxiety
into death, the final portal ---
as the individual.... nothing more nothing less...

i wish to be
an evolutionary dead end ---
all relations abandoned;,
all families cracked;
all soil dried out
and all blood miscoloured with the arsenic of renunciation
no children
no heritage
no fucking pet even,
no anything ---
just finality, the genetic entropy
of my own life-strain
speeded up just a little
with the help of my bandit soul---

confusion, my heredity;

I would not want to bring about confused children to this world
because I aspire not to be mean
and I do not wish to lead a petty life;
thus I ask you --- what is a greater pettiness;
what is a a greater existential parsimony;
a more shameful surrender unto dull averageness,
than having children...

all life on earth shares a common ancestor --- which is nothing ---
and precisely that will be the only fossil of our existence.
i am a dead man trapped in a near-life experience ---
that is all life seems to amount to;
abjection ---
the dna of the human spirit.

let us reverse the principle of
never attributing to needless complexity
what adequate banality may evidentially explain;
let us take this Occams' razor ---
and cut our wrists open with it;
life might be explained by evolutionary, reproductive necessities
but that is a fucking cop-out!!!

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