6 aug. 2015

On Emotions & Sharing Them (2013)

This might be the most fundamental principle of life, a law of existence; it is impossible to impose oneself upon someone else in a perfectly imitative and definite way; it is useless thinking that one could force people to feel suggested emotions: some feel them, or atleast something akin to them which bears a similar integrity so thay you may establish a link to them. Some feel not, or honestly, most feel not, because they are so overwhelmingly preoccupied with other shit; then a link won't be established, because you'd hate them... Only through personal experience, one could experience life, and only through personal experience, one could understand life... And since life is being thoroughly explored - each day a new conquest - it leaves us with the unexplored - the riddles without answers, labyrinths without threads leading out - namely, the experience of it. For who could explain the experience of it without losing themselves in explaining the mere tangible part of it all?

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