6 aug. 2015

I Exist Because I Think; I Cry Because I Exist (2014)

White eyes stare down the barrel of hideous truth
The water is dark in there is hair in it
Braded hair that is attached to something dead
In one single drop of this murky water
Hides the thousand victims of their own birth

The worst thing I know are these many victims
For they respect their executioner; birthgiver
Green skin, scabs cover the decomposing faces
Lifting a pitcher of water above their heads
Washing themselves clean with thought vomits
Swollen eye-balls rise to the surface
Glaring into the disturbing nothingness of being
With a seven-pronged crown and a sword of pungent fire

My thoughts are mine, my thought is me;
I exist because I think;
I cry because I exist;
I laugh because I cry;
I cry because I laugh;
I smile because I am;
I am because I say I am - I experience.
Therefore, I know what I will do -
Follow the experiences
until I know what I will do.
And when I know what I will do,
It will be done.
fuck you, me.

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