Every human urge that is hereditary to us - and thus from us- through the means of evolution, as evolutionary biology describes them, are small but lethal, poison-dipped arrows in the heart of the the Elect. These urges can be parted into two categories; physiologically necessary urges (individual survival), and evolutionary necessary urges (evolutionary survival). The first category is comprised of urges that is required for actual existence; for actual physical maintenance. These include sleep, nutrience, water, air, body temperature maintenance, to nurse wounds and infections if necessary, etc. Without these things, you, as a physical being, will cease to exist. Naturally, one can not ignore these because then you will cease to exist. You will die. On the other hand, the evolutionary necessary urges can be denied, for these urges have one sole purpose: to secure the future of the collective, and in extension, the species. The strongest of these urges would be 1) the sexual drive, 2) the drive for longevity, stability and security, and 3) the drive to defend and maintain the development and safety of one's community (this one oftenly works subconsciously); these three often work in symbiotic ways, like a chain of command; like a primitive fetter of cause and effect deeply rooted in the annals of human socio-psychology. They complement each other. People are given birth, and secured inside the stability of the collective; whether it be the family, the village, the society or the whole nation. Inside this community, the collective will nurture the child, protecting it, until it is sexually mature to produce an offspring of its own. Then, when he does that, his primary goal will be longevity and stability as to monitor the security and protection of his child. If something is threatening it, it will respond with aggression or flight, and would probably die in the name of securing his child from whatever danger that is challenging them. This is the nature of the world, and this is the nature of the humans. It was like this 10,000 BC and it is like this in the year 2013. At least for the vast majority. Things have gotten a little bit more complex, but the underlying pattern is - i would say - principally the same.
The evolutionary urges must be sublimated into some other psycho-emotional energy in order to elevate the spirit, if that is what one strive for. The sexual drive is spiritually worthless, and might perhaps be sublimated into power and aggression at the hands of the individuals free Will. I don't know if it is possible though. The best way to make good use of the sexual drive is to carry out the practice of numbing and suffocating it; this will serve as a means of empowering character and cultivating individual discipline. Other than that, sexuality may be just a mere outlet of satisfaction, pleasure, instant carnal gratification, and, if utilized responsibly, a good implementation of effort and reward, if one does not have in mind to reach the final goal of complete desolation of sexuality within oneself. As hard a task it may seem, I really think it is a possibility. Perhaps not amongst all men, but some surely possess such a spirit.
the drive for longevity, stability and security should be sacrificed in favor for exploration, experimentation, expansion of sensorial experience, adventure and fulfillment of Fiery Will to the extent that it will not corrupt the body and bring it to its irrevocable demise, namely Death (if that is not what the individual wishes for, then, by all means, go ahead).
The drive to defend and maintain ones ''community'' should not be applied as a tool programmed in human behaviour for the sake of evolutionary survival for the species, but rather in a much more personal and emotionally and intellectually dignified manner. The individual should by all means take care of its kin but not to care about the maintenance of the species as a whole, or even the whole society - for this in itself is an expression of an evolutionary will of survival; a philosophically, spiritually, intellectually worthless call to evolutionary progress. What one should do is to think very carefully and make up his mind as to what in this world he loves and what in this world he hates. From there on, he can establish principles of love, respect, contempt, indifference and hate and apply them to his life. The individual chooses what things or which people he would like to incorporate in his personal 'emotional sphere'; he will then take care of these people, he will strive to defend them and help them cultivate and progress in terms of individuation. Or perhaps he decides just to put himself in his emotional sphere; that is fine - i do not care. The point is that the subconscious effort to save the world and every living form on it should be strangled. I do not think that one can save the world or the species in its entirety. The burdenous yoke of entropy - the cause and effect of deterioration - will destroy us under our own weight, and drag us down to Scylla's might; to the gluttonous maws of the depths, Charybdis unbound... all the humanitarian workers, warriors of freedom, peace, rights, equality; aspiring progenitors of human worth in this nightmare-ridden world, stumbling upon the finish line, looking upward, sobbing... I would be rather impressed if someone - individually or collectively - achieve that goal and fulfill that ambition. I would have respect for such an accomplishment - not because i share this particular objective but because that individual have managed to create something truly spectacular; a nerve of gold would be stricken amongst the dirt and rocks, reaching eternally in each direction.
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