what ocean can i cross
without losing sight
of the shore?
i leapt forthwith into water
but water turned to flame
and fire turned to coal
and drowning, aflame
i burned
i sank
into myself
i loved
i hated
i needed
30 nov. 2020
potentially heretical perspective on the old testament Satan
the devil is the principle by which
i rebel against
what wills to compromise the Dasein.
the devil is in fact
whom negiotiates
my pathetic bidding
in the glorious tribunal of god;
for the devil is gods' accuser,
and in liasion with god the devil is;
part of God the devil is;
on heavenly mission he is.
29 nov. 2020
new additions finally
it seems to me impossible to refute
the mythology and the metaphysics of judeo-christianity
once you understand it properly.
however it is possible to refute its ethics
even if you understand them properly.
and it is from this insight i take the next step
in the general direction towards my redemption.
15 minute doodle
wind o wind o wind.
wind o wind whichs cleaves
the steppe in dire stagnation
eternal is the ride,
endless, the expanse
forever is the arrow
and the still air it slices
has no end to it either
below the ever-great sun-disc
they tremble
like hearts in lover-chests
half human, half stallion
hoof and hand, neigh and bow
into everlasting cold
aryan ancestry
from back centuries or even millenia
into ever-hinterlands
where slint-eyeds and blue-eyeds and brown-eyeds live
the steppe-nation spreads
like eagles soar
or how wolves migrate
16 nov. 2020